Enable Lessons configuration variables
For Lessons to be available, ensure the following configuration variables are turned on:
- d2l.Tools.Content.IsLessonsEnabled
- d2l.Tools.Content.UseLessonsExperience
To allow instructors to opt in or out of the Lessons experience, ensure the following configuration variable is turned on for the desired roles:
- d2l.Tools.Content.ChooseContentExperience
Note: When you opt in to the Lessons experience, if your course content is more than four levels deep (unit > lesson > folder > topic) and if the d2l.Tools.Content.IsLessonsEnabled, d2l.Tools.Content.UseLessonsExperience, and d2l.Tools.Content.ChooseContentExperience configuration variables are turned on, a notification appears stating that some content cannot be displayed. You are directed to modify the course structure in the old Content experience before trying out the new Content experience.
For improved interaction with learners directly from Lessons, turn on Activity Feed and add the Activity Feed widget to course homepages:
- d2l.Tools.ActivityFeed.ShowWidget
To customize the language term used to describe learning outcomes, set the following configuration variable to one of the available options:
- d2l.Languages.Terminology.LearningOutcomes
Note: Options include Standards, Competencies, Expectations, Objectives, and Outcomes.