Brightspace Parent & Guardian allows authorized parents and guardians to log in to a school's Brightspace to see what their children are working on, what’s on the schedule, and the latest news from the classroom. This helps parents and guardians engage with their young learners and maintain awareness of their upcoming work.
Parents and guardians can access Brightspace Parent & Guardian from the following:
- A web application on a supported browser using a desktop computer or device
- A mobile app for iOS® and Android™ using a supported device
For parents and guardians to access the Brightspace platform, administrators must create parent/guardian users who have relationships with their children. You can only create parent/guardian-child user relationships using the following SIS integrations: IPSIS LIS 2.0, IPSIS OneRoster, or D2L Standard CSV.
Brightspace platform requirements
Brightspace Parent & Guardian is compatible with Brightspace platform 10.7.4 and higher.
Brightspace Parent & Guardian uses one of the following SIS integrations to create parent/guardian-child relationships in Brightspace:
- IPSIS OneRoster (dependent on the IPSIS service)
- D2L Standard CSV
This guide contains detailed information on setting up your SIS integration to create parent/guardian-child relationships. For more information or clarification, contact your D2L Account Manager to inquire about using Brightspace Parent & Guardian with your SIS integration.
Note the following:
- Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to use this product by checking your organization’s policies regarding data residency, and by consulting with your legal advisors.
- D2L recommends that only authorized parents and guardians be allowed to access Brightspace Parent & Guardian.
Region and language support
Brightspace Parent & Guardian is available in the following geographic regions:
- U.S.
- Canada
- Ireland
- Australia
- Singapore
Brightspace Parent & Guardian is supported in all languages available in Brightspace.
Brightspace Parent & Guardian depends on the following microservices:
- Authentication Service
- Landlord Service
- Parents Service
- Activity Feed Service
- Portfolio Service
- Notification Scheduler Service
- Microservice used by OneRoster
The Parents Service used by Brightspace Parent & Guardian is located in the following Amazon Web Services™ (AWS) locations:
- U.S. East (N. Virginia)
- Canada Central (Montreal)
EU (Ireland)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Client regions are determined by D2L and routed accordingly.
Brightspace Parent & Guardian mobile app
To use the Brightspace Parent & Guardian mobile app, the Brightspace Parent & Guardian web application must be currently enabled in your school's Brightspace.
Next, notify parents and guardians that they can download the Brightspace Parent & Guardian mobile app from any global Google Play™ store or Apple App Store®.
Note: The mobile app is generally released at the beginning of the month, and then sometimes mid-month, if issues are found. Depending on how your device is configured, the mobile app may update automatically, or you may have to manually check for new versions.
The Brightspace username and password that they use to log in to the mobile app is the same for the web application.
Operating system support
The Brightspace Parent & Guardian mobile app is supported on the following operating systems:
Note: For an optimal experience, D2L recommends using the Brightspace Parent & Guardian mobile app on a mobile device with the latest version of a supported operating system.
- AndroidTM 6.0 or later on tablets or phones
- iOS® 12.0 or later on iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod® touch
Region and language support
The Brightspace Parent & Guardian mobile app is supported in the following geographic regions:
- U.S.
- Canada
Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
- Asia Pacific (Singapore and Australia)
Brightspace Parent & Guardian is available for use in the following languages:
Note: The Brightspace Parent & Guardian app reflects the language preference selected on the user's device, not what is set in Brightspace. This includes right-to-left language support.
- Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Danish
- Dutch
- English (U.S.)
- French (Canada)
- French (France)
- German (Germany)
- Japanese
- Korean
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Swedish
- Turkish
Supported login configurations
To specify the login type for the Brightspace Parent & Guardian mobile app, contact D2L Support. The mobile app supports the following login configurations:
Local login, for example, the Login landing page created by the Login Page Management tool.
This is the default login configuration, even if not using the Login Page Management tool for students. Modify your login landing page to use the existing login section for parents and guardians and add a login link for teachers and students.

External login, for example, an external Single Sign-On (SSO) landing page.
Modify your SSO landing page to add a login link for parents and guardians.

Note the following:
- Custom hosted login pages are supported if they are the default student login method (and parents or guardians use it).
- As a best practice, add a link that allows new parents and guardians to create a parent/guardian account.
- As an administrator, you can test logging in to the mobile app by creating a mock parent/guardian account and adding some mock children into a course. Logging in as an administrator does not display any relevant information in the mobile app.