Types of mail templates available
Message is sent to user when
New User
Their Brightspace account is created either manually or through the Bulk User Management tool (via an imported CSV file).
Typically contains a welcome message, username, password, and URL.
Forgot Password
They forgot their password and they request it from your help desk /administration or select the Request Password link from the login page.
Typically contains the user’s username, password, and URL.
They enroll in a course offering through self-registration (immediately or after being approved) or through the Classlist (using the Add Participant feature).
Typically contains username, password, URL, and course offering name.
Update User
Their information is updated through the Bulk User Management tool (via an imported CSV file).
Delete User
Their account is deleted through the Bulk User Management tool (via an imported CSV file).
Enroll User from Import
They enroll in a course offering through the Bulk User Management tool (via an imported CSV file).
Unenroll User from Import Tool
They unenroll from a course offering through the Bulk User Management tool (via an imported CSV file).
Enrollment Limit
The user tries to enroll in a class that is full (via the external Self Registration tool).
Enrollment Rejection
External self-registration enrollment request is rejected.
Temporary Enrollment – External Self-Registration
They try to enroll in a course offering using the external Self Registration system. This email informs them that their request has been received and is pending approval. They receive a temporary username and password.
Enrollment Approval – Payment Required
Their enrollment has been approved and they are required to pay for the course.
Enrollment Request – Admin
They try to enroll in a course offering using the Self Registration system. This email informs an administrator that a request has been made.
Enrollment Request – User
They try to enroll in a course offering using the Self Registration system. This email informs them that their request has been received and is pending approval.
Enrollment – External Self-Registration
They enroll in a course offering using the external self-registration system. This email provides them with their username and password.
Unenroll User from the Classlist Tool
They are unenrolled using the Classlist tool.
Adding a logo to mail templates
Add your organization's logo to Brightspace mail templates to customize your email experience.
To add a logo to mail templates
- Navigate to Admin Tools > Public Files.
- In the Manage Files tab, click Upload.
- In the Upload dialog, click Upload and select the image file from your device. Standard file formats are supported (.png, .jpeg, etc.), but with a maximum width of 250 pixels.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to Admin Tools > Mail Template Management.
Note: Depending on your role permissions, this may appear as Mail Management. In this case, navigate to Admin Tools > Mail Management > Templates.
- Open the mail template where you want to add the logo.
- In the Message Body of the mail template, replace the URL with your Brightspace URL and replace the {name-of-image} with the shared file path from your uploaded image file.
- Copy and paste the following code into the Message Body section: <p><img src="https://client.brightspace.com/shared/{name-of-image}" alt="" title="" data-d2l-editor-default-img-style="true"></p>
Note: Some inboxes prevent the automatic download of pictures in the email message. The user may have to right-click to download the picture.
Edit mail templates
- From the Admin Tools menu, click Mail Template Management.
Note: Depending on your role permissions, this may appear as Mail Management. In this case, navigate to Admin Tools > Mail Management > Templates.
- From the Mail Template column, click the template that you want to edit.
- To edit the help desk variables, click Edit. The default HelpDeskEmail is <name of your organization>@D2L.com.
- Edit any of the Name From, Email From, or Subject fields, as applicable.
- Edit your message body, if applicable.
- If your message uses HTML, select send as HTML.
- Click Save.
Replace strings for email templates
The following are some common replace strings (created by the system dynamically) that are found in all D2L mail templates:
Replace string
Replaced with
The email address of the organization’s help desk.*
The name for the help desk.*
The address of the login page for this site.
The name of the organization.
The first name of the email recipient.
The last name of the email recipient.
The login name of the email recipient.
The authenticated, full URL to the Choose a New Password page.
The expiration period as defined by the d2l.Auth.Password.PasswordResetLinkExpiry configuration variable.
The current date and time.
* You can edit these fields by clicking the Edit icon next to their description on the Mail Templates page.