Brightspace Data Sets for LTI have a dependency on External Learning Tools. If you turn this tool on and off during the data set query period, there may be unexpected or missing content in your data sets.
Entity Relationship Diagram
The following diagram shows the relationships between entities used to create Brightspace Data Sets for LTI. To enlarge the diagram, right-click on the image and select Open image in a new tab.
LTI Advantage Deployment Audit
The LTI Advantage Deployment Audit Brightspace Data Set logs the details of each time a user creates, updates, or deletes an LTI deployment. The data set captures events from October 2019 onwards.
Version History
9.7 |
The action completed by the event: Deployed, Updated, or Deleted. |
10 |
9.7 |
DeploymentID |
Unique identifier for the LTI Advantage deployment. |
36 |
PK |
9.7 |
ClientID |
Unique identifier used in OAuth2 authentication, assigned by the platform when the LTI tool is registered. |
nvarchar |
36 |
FK |
9.7 |
DeploymentName |
The name for the deployment. |
nvarchar |
200 |
9.7 |
IsDeploymentEnabled |
If false, it is not possible to do any launches for this tool or make any API calls for the extensions. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasAssignmentsAndGrades |
If true, the Assignments and grades services (AGS) extension is enabled for this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasDeepLinking |
If true, the Deep Linking extension is enabled for this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasNamesAndRoles |
If true, the Names and Roles Provisioning Services (NPRS) extension is enabled for this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasSubmissionReview |
If true, the Submission Review extension is enabled for this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasActivityItemProfile |
If true, the Activity Item Profile extension is enabled for this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasPlatformNotificationService |
If true, the Platform Notification Service is enabled for this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasContextCopy |
If true, the Context Copy message is enabled for this deployment. The Platform Notification Service must also be enabled. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
ModifiedBy |
The ID of the Brightspace user that modified the deployment record. |
bigint |
8 |
FK |
9.7 |
Anonymous |
If true, no user information is sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
PreProvisioningEnabled |
If true, all users in the course are included whether they have performed a launch or not. If false, only users that have performed a launch are included for NRPS and AGS Services.
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendOrgUnitInfo |
If true, Org Unit Id, Course Name, Course Code, Org Unit Type, LIS Course Offering Sourcedid, and LIS Course Section Sourcedid can be included in the launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendUserFirstName |
If true, user first name can be sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendUserMiddleName |
If true, user middle name is included in the data sent via NPRS. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendUserLastName |
If true, user last name can be sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendUserEmail |
If true, user email address can be sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendBrightspaceUserID |
If true, D2L user ID can be sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendBrightspaceUsername |
If true, D2L username is sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendBrightspaceOrgDefinedId |
If true, D2L Org Defined ID can be sent for this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendLinkTitle |
If true, LTI Link Title is sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendLinkDescription |
If true, LTI Link Description is sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
OpenAsExternal |
If true, the majority of new links created under the deployment open in an external window. If false, new links open inline. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
AutoMigrateLinks |
If true, automatic migration can occur for links that match this deployment. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
IsSharedToManyOrgUnits |
If true, the deployment is shared to multiple org units. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
AutoCreateGrades |
If true, the Auto Create Grade Items setting is enabled. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
IncludeInFinalGrade |
If true, grades created by LTI links for this deployment are included in the final grade calculation. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
Timestamp |
Date and time (UTC) when the user created or modified the deployment. |
datetime2 |
8 |
PK |
LTI Advantage Registration Audit
The LTI Advantage Registration Audit Brightspace Data Set logs the details of each time a user creates, updates, or deletes an LTI registration. The data set captures events from June 2019 onwards.
Version History
9.7 |
The action completed by the event: Registered, Updated, or Deleted. |
10 |
9.7 |
ClientId |
Unique customer facing identifier assigned by the platform when the LTI tool is registered. |
nvarchar |
255 |
PK |
9.7 |
ToolName |
The name of the external learning tool. |
nvarchar |
200 |
9.7 |
Domain |
Domain for the registered tool. |
nvarchar |
2083 |
9.7 |
RedirectURLs |
List of Redirect URLs provided by the tool, formatted as comma-separated values (CSV) list. The list is truncated to the max length allowed in the BDS field. |
nvarchar |
2083 |
9.7 |
KeysetURL |
The Keyset URL needed to complete the launch. The value is truncated to the max length allowed in the BDS field.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
255 |
9.7 |
LoginURL |
The Initial LTI login request endpoint as by the tool. The value is truncated to the max length allowed in the BDS field. |
nvarchar |
255 |
9.7 |
LTIVersion |
Indicates whether the registration is for LTI 1.1 or LTI 1.3. |
varchar |
12 |
9.7 |
IsRegistrationEnabled |
If true, the tool registration is enabled for the organization. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
SendInstitutionRole |
If true, the registration includes both contextual and institutional roles. If false, the registration only includes contextual roles.
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
TargetLinkURI |
Optional Target Link URI used during the Deep Linking workflow when the tool doesn't provide a launch URL for the returned LTI Resource Link.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
255 |
9.7 |
ModifiedBy |
The ID of the Brightspace user that updated the tool registration data. |
bigint |
8 |
FK |
9.7 |
HasAssignmentAndGradeServices |
If true, the Assignments and grades services (AGS) extension is enabled for this registration.
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasSubmissionReview |
If true, the Submission Review extension is enabled for this registration. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasDeepLinking |
If true, the Deep Linking extension is enabled for this registration. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasNamesAndRoleProvisioningServices |
If true, the Names and Roles Provisioning Services (NPRS) extension is enabled for this registration. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasActivityItemProfile |
If true, the Activity Item Profile extension is enabled for this registration. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
HasPlatformNotificationService |
If true, the Platform Notification Service is enabled for this registration. |
bit |
1 |
9.7 |
Timestamp |
Date and time (UTC) when the user created or modified the registration. |
datetime2 |
8 |
PK |
LTI Launches
The LTI Launches Brightspace Data Set logs details of each time a user launches an LTI link in the organization.
Version History
5.5 |
Unique identifier for each individual launch. |
16 |
5.5 |
The user who performed this launch. |
4 |
5.5 |
IMSRoleNames |
A list of user's IMS roles. |
nvarchar |
10000 |
5.5 |
ImpersonatingUserId |
The impersonating user who performed this launch.
Field can be null.
bigint |
8 |
5.5 |
ImpersonatingUserIMSRoleName |
A list of impersonating user's IMS roles.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
10000 |
5.5 |
LaunchDate |
The UTC time when this launch occurred. |
datetime2 |
8 |
5.5 |
OrgUnitId |
Id of the org unit where this launch happened. |
bigint |
8 |
8.9 - Changed Description |
LTILinkId |
The id of the link that was used for the LTI launch.
Field can be null.
bigint |
8 |
FK |
5.5 |
DeploymentId |
The unique identifier of the link's deployment that was used for the LTI launch. This is only available for LTI 1.3 links.
Field can be null.
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
5.5 |
ClientId |
The unique identifier of the link's registration that was used for the LTI launch. This is only available for LTI 1.3 links.
Field can be null.
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
5.5 |
ToolProviderId |
The id of the link's tool provider that was used for the LTI launch. This is only available for LTI 1.1 links.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
300 |
5.5 |
ContentTopicId |
Id of the content topic where this launch happened.
Field can be null.
bigint |
8 |
5.5 |
ParentModuleId |
Id of the parent module where this launch happened.
Field can be null.
bigint |
8 |
5.5 |
Placement |
Placement type of this launch.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
10 |
5.5 |
MessageVersion |
LTI message version of this launch.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
10 |
5.5 |
RequestType |
LTI request type of this launch.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
30 |
LTI Link Migration Audit
The LTI Link Migration Audit Brightspace Data Set logs all attempted LTI link migrations. Each row in the data set represents an attempted link migration from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3.
Version History
7.14 / 8.0 |
LTIMigrationId |
Unique identifier for each individual link migration |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK |
7.14 / 8.0 |
UserId |
ID of the person who triggered the migration |
bigint |
8 |
FK |
7.14 / 8.0 |
MigrationDate |
The date the migration occurred for this link (UTC) |
datetime2 |
8 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
OrgUnitId |
ID of the org unit where the launch migration occurred |
bigint |
8 |
FK |
7.14 / 8.0 |
LinkId |
ID of the link that was migrated |
bigint |
8 |
FK |
7.14 / 8.0 |
LinkURL |
Launch URL for the link |
nvarchar |
2000 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
LinkName |
Name of the link |
nvarchar |
200 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
ClientId |
ID of the registration this link was migrated to.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
255 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
RegistrationDomain |
Domain of the registration this link was migrated to.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
2083 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
DeploymentId |
ID of the link's deployment that was used for the LTI migration.
Field can be null.
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
JobId |
ID for the job this link was migrated under. |
bigint |
8 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
Status |
Status result for this link migration. Possible values:
0 = Success
1 = Error
2 = Not Found
smallint |
2 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
FailureCode |
Error code for failed migrations. Possible values:
0 = Registration Not Found
1 = Deployment Not Enabled
2 = Deployment Not Found
3 = Link Not Found
4 = Link Not Legacy
5 = Link URL Invalid
6 = Unknown
7 = Auto Migrate is not enabled in the deployment
Field can be null.
smallint |
2 |
7.14 / 8.0 |
MigrationType |
How migration was triggered. Possible values:
0 = Link API
1 = Copy Course
2 = Course Migration Button
3 = Course Migration API
smallint |
2 |
9.4 |
LegacyURL |
The legacy domain the link was migrated from. Only populates if the legacy domain is different than the registration domain.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
2083 |
LTI Links
The LTI Links Brightspace Data Set retrieves the list of LTI links that exist in the organization. Links deleted after October 2023 are identified by the IsDeleted column. Links deleted before October 2023 are not included in the data.
Version History
3.6 / 4.1 |
Unique identifier for the LTI link.
8 |
4.7 / 5.1 - Updated description
Identifier for the Org Unit where the link was created.
4 |
5.7 / 6.0 - Changed Column Size |
The title of the link.
200 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
The type of link, either being a basic LTI launch or a CIM/Deep Linking launch to retrieve content from a tool. (0 = Basic LTI Launch, 1 = Content Item Message or Deeplinking).
4 |
5.7 / 6.0 - Changed Column Size |
Indicates whether the link is LTI 1.1 or LTI 1.3.
12 |
8.13 / 9.2 - Changed Column Size |
The URL used during the launch.
Field can be null.
2000 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
Description |
Description of the LTI link.
Field can be null.
nvarchar |
1000 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
IsVisible |
Determines if the link is displayed when adding to course content in the course. For LTI 1.1, this is called IsVisible in the UI. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendTCInfo |
If true, determines if the tool_consumer variables are allowed to be included in the LTI launch. LTI 1.1 only. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendContextInfo |
If true, determines if context_id, context_title, context_label, and context_type variables are included in the LTI launch. LTI 1.1 only. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendCourseInfo |
If true, determines if LISSourcedId is included in the launch. LTI 1.1 only. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendOrgUnitInfo |
If true, determines if Org Unit Id, Course Name, Course Code, Org Unit Type, LIS Course Offering Sourcedid, and LIS Course Section Sourcedid are included in the LTI launch. LTI 1.3 only.
Field can be null.
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendUserId |
If true, determines a unique identifier for the user, generated on the user's first launch. LTI 1.1 only. This is always sent to LTI 1.3 and cannot be turned off unless Anonymous launch is used. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendUserName |
If true, determines if users first, last, and given name (first last) are sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendUserEmail |
If true, determines if the user's primary email is sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendLinkTitle |
If true, determines if the LTI Link Title is sent during launch. LTI 1.1 only. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendLinkDescription |
If true, determines if the LTI Link Description is sent during launch. LTI 1.1 only. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendD2LUserName |
If true, determines if the Brightspace username is sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendD2LOrgDefinedId |
If true, determines if the Brightspace OrgDefinedId is sent during launch. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendD2LOrgRoleId |
If true, determines if the custom Brightspace D2L role is sent during launch. LTI 1.1 only. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
SendBrightspaceUserId |
If true, determines if the D2L User Id is sent during the launch. LTI 1.3 only.
Field can be null.
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
Anonymous |
If true, no user information is sent during the launch. LTI 1.3 only.
Field can be null.
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
Shared |
Indicates whether the link is shared with additional org units or not.
Field can be null.
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
UseToolProviderSecuritySettings |
If true, uses the Tool Provider security settings versus link security settings based on domain matching. LTI 1.1 only. |
bit |
1 |
3.6 / 4.1 |
LastModifiedDate |
The last time a link was updated.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
5.7 / 5.1 |
OuAvailabilitySetId |
Unique sharing identifier. Can be used to join on LTI Links Shared.
Field can be null.
bigint |
8 |
8.13 / 9.2 |
LastModifiedBy |
User ID of user who last modified the LTI link. |
int |
4 |
FK |
8.13 / 9.2 |
IsDeleted |
Indicates if the LTI link is deleted. |
bit |
1 |