The Learning Outcomes tool allows you to define scales for measuring achievement in learning outcomes. For example, as an administrator, you might create a standard scale for the entire organization that includes the following achievement levels: Does Not Meet Expectations, Meets Expectations, and Exceeds Expectations.
Optionally, you can also choose to map achievement levels to percentage scores. This ensures that your organization uses a consistent mapping for assessing learning outcomes when they are associated with rubric criteria in an activity (discussion or assignment). To display suggested levels of achievement to instructors when assessing learner activities, enable the d2l.Tools.LearningOutcomes.LoaSuggestions configuration variable. To hide suggestions, disable the configuration variable.

Figure: A scale with three levels of achievement mapped to percentage scores in the Learning Outcomes tool
After importing standards from the Achievement Standards Network and copying standard requirements between courses, instructors can add learning outcomes to rubric criteria, discussion topics, quiz questions, or assignments.
After learners submit their activities, instructors use the scale to assess learners against the specified learning outcomes in the activity. For example, in an assignment, a learner might receive Meets Expectations for a specific outcome.

Figure: Assessing an assignment submission against specific learning outcomes in an assignment.
If you mapped achievement levels to percentage scores when creating a scale and enabled the d2l.Tools.LearningOutcomes.LoaSuggestions configuration variable, suggested levels of achievement display below the rubric when instructors assess the activity for learning outcomes that are aligned to criterion levels on the rubric. This provides instructors with an idea of suitable assessments for learning outcomes based on the rubric. Instructors can choose to override suggested levels of achievement for learners, allowing them to exercise professional judgment when it comes to learner achievement. If you disable the d2l.Tools.LearningOutcomes.LoaSuggestions configuration variable, or if you align outcomes directly to the assignment, instructors can assess the learning outcomes; however, suggested levels of achievement do not display.

Figure: Suggested levels of achievement when assessing learning outcomes.
After instructors publish assessments, learners can view them wherever they can view assessments. This allows learners to understand their progress against learning outcomes and locate areas for improvement.