Disable learner access in Brightspace Pulse
To meet learner expectations and maintain a consistent Brightspace experience, Brightspace Pulse is enabled by default. However, your organization may choose to disable learner access to Brightspace Pulse. To disable learner access to Brightspace Pulse, contact D2L Support.
Data access in Brightspace Pulse
To allow you and instructors to see when learners log in and access courses from Brightspace Pulse, the app sends session and course access events to the Brightspace Data Platform (BDP). The BDP stores these events, and then computes and stores the aggregated data, which can then be accessed through various course reporting tools, such as Classlist, Class Progress, Adoption Dashboard, Engagement Dashboard, and the Course Overview widget. For example, in Classlist, the Last Accessed column displays a timestamp when a learner accesses a course from Brightspace Pulse.

Brightspace Pulse only reports on the completion of content topics and when they were last opened, not the time spent in a particular topic. For most content topics (including videos), they are marked as complete when the learner opens the topic, not how much time they spent in the topic. This is consistent with how content completion is recorded in Brightspace.
In Data Hub, the Course Access Log data set captures the date and time when a user initially accesses a course, then creates additional rows for every 30 minutes that the user spends in the course.
The Course Access data set does not include Brightspace Pulse data.