Blog configuration variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.Blog.AllowExternalViewing Org OFF Entries in the Blog tool are available to outside viewing. d2l.Tools.Blog.AllowRSSPublishing Org ON Determines whether RSS feed publishing of blogs is on. d2l.Tools.Blog.User. AllowComments User OFF Allow comments by default.…
Anonymous Marking configuration variables
Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.AnonymousMarking.UseOrgDefinedId Org UnitOFFDisplay Org Defined Ids as names when Anonymous Marking is enabled. The user must have the permission to See Org Defined Ids.
Class Progress configuration variables
Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.ClassProgress.LoginHistoryDateLimit Org 365 The number of days of login history to display by default. d2l.Tools.ClassProgress.ShowDroppedAndFinalWeight OrgUnitONWhen on, Dropped grades are highlighted as dropped. Also when on, instead of the category weight, the grade…
Announcements configurations variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.News.AggregateNewsAtOrg OrgOFFDetermines whether announcements can be aggregated at the organization level. d2l.Tools.News.AggregateNewsInOrgUnit OrgUnitOFFDetermines whether announcements can be aggregated in the specified Org Unit. d2l.Tools.News.DisplayAuthorInformation…
Bulk Course Create configuration variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.BulkCourseCreate.ContinueOnError Org ON If an error occurs, continue processing the next line/CSV file.…
Audio Capture configuration variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.AudioCapture.ShimType Org Opaque Toggles the opacity of the shim behind the audio recording dialog. d2l.Tools.AudioCapture.UseMediaPlatformCapture Org ON Use Media Platform Capture
Auditors configuration variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.Auditors. DisplayEmail Org OFF Determines if the Email column should be shown in the 'Add Auditors' page d2l.Tools.Auditors. DisplayImpersonation Org ON Determines if the 'Add Auditors' page displays an action for impersonating a user (the auditor must also have permissions to…
Bulk Course Copy configuration variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.BulkCourseCopy.CopyIfCourseCodeExists Org OFF Make a copy if course code exists d2l.Tools.BulkCourseCopy.CourseSettings…
Document Viewers configuration variables
Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.DocumentViewers.CustomPdfRendererEnabled Org ON Use custom renderer (PDF.JS) for viewing PDF documents
Attendance configuration variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.Attendance. MaxDataRecords OrgUnit 2000 Limits the number of users per page based on the maximum number of sessions and symbols that can be viewed on the attendance data page.