Activity Feed configuration variables
Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.ActivityFeed.ShowWidget Org ON Activity Feed will now appear under the system widget list and can be added to any widget-based course homepage layout. d2l.Tools.ActivityFeed.LearnerPostDefaultOrgUnitOFFSpecifies if learners can create posts in Activity Feed. Facilitators /…
Set configuration variable values
Administrators must have the Can Edit Config Variable Values permission to edit configuration variables. Changes to configuration variables can affect all users, all courses and your entire Brightspace system, depending on the variable scope. D2L recommends that only 1 or 2 administrators in your organization have…
Activities configuration variables
Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.Activities.SetCategoriesOnEdit OrgUnitOFF When ON, the new creation experiences support managing tool specific categories during create and edit. d2l.Tools.Activities.CEQuizzesOptIn OrgOffWhen On (Opt-in), users can turn the new quiz evaluation experience either on or off…
About Config Variable Browser
The Config Variable Browser allows you to define how specific functionality in D2L tools should operate for an organization, an org unit (such as a course), a role, or a user. A configuration variable is a specific setting for a tool or set of functionality. For example, configuration variables are used to integrate with…
Advanced Data Sets configuration variables
Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.AdvancedDataSets.ProgramOrgUnitTypeId OrgnullThe org unit type ID that represents a program for an org.
3rd Party configuration variables
Ally VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.3rdParty.Ally.ClientId OrgUnitON for instance level, OFF for org levelUsing the configuration settings provided by Anthology and configure the ClientID for the Ally alternate formats account associated with this org unit. d2l.3rdParty.Ally.ClientSecret OrgUnitON for instance…
Announcements configurations variables
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Tools.News.AggregateNewsAtOrg OrgOFFDetermines whether announcements can be aggregated at the organization level. d2l.Tools.News.AggregateNewsInOrgUnit OrgUnitOFFDetermines whether announcements can be aggregated in the specified Org Unit. d2l.Tools.News.DisplayAuthorInformation…
Anonymous Marking configuration variables
Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.AnonymousMarking.UseOrgDefinedId Org UnitOFFDisplay Org Defined Ids as names when Anonymous Marking is enabled. The user must have the permission to See Org Defined Ids.
Authentication configuration variables
LDAP VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription d2l.Auth.LDAP.AppPassword Org N/A LDAP application domain password. d2l.Auth.LDAP.AppUser Org N/A LDAP application domain user. d2l.Auth.LDAP.AuthenticationType Org normal LDAP authentication type variable. d2l.Auth.LDAP.LdapLoginName Attribute Org null Attribute to use as the…
Assignments configuration variables
The following table indicates the configuration variables used for the Assignments tool. Variable Type Default Value Description d2l.Tools.Assignments.AnnotationsDefault Org UnitONDetermines if the Make annotation tools available for assessment check box is enabled for that course. With this configuration variable,…