The Course Achievement Overview visualization is found in the Grades Mastery View within a course.
This page displays the overall outcomes achievement level of all learners and activities combined within a course. The displayed data shows whether learning outcomes set for the course have been Met or Not Met based on the thresholds set for each outcome in the Learning Outcomes tool. Data updates to Course Achievement Overview appear in real time to allow instructors to view achievement levels as a course progresses and make any necessary curriculum changes.
Ensure you have Mastery View enabled correctly. Refer to Setting up and configuring the Grade book Mastery view for steps to enable Mastery View and Setting up Outcomes for use with Grade book Mastery View for steps to set up and align learning outcomes for your course.
Access the Course Achievement Overview
The Course Achievement Overview appears in Grades Mastery View if Achievement+ is enabled in your organization.
To access Course Achievement Overview
- From a course, click Grades.
- Click Mastery View.
- Click Course Achievement Overview.

Figure: The Course Achievement Overview page appears in Mastery View.
- Click the drop-down for the parent learning outcome to view the child learning outcomes.
- Hover your cursor over any data point to highlight it and read its hover text. The hover text displays the number of learners in the course that have Met or Not Met the threshold and the corresponding percentage level.

Figure: Hover over data to see which learners have Met or Not Met the achievement threshold.
Export achievement data as a CSV file
In addition to viewing the course achievement data in Mastery View, you can export the data as a CSV file for further viewing offline. Exporting the data from the dashboards to CSV consolidates all numerical data from the dashboard in one view, eliminating the need to hover over the data bars.
To export to CSV file:
- From a course, click Grades.
- Click Mastery View.
- On the Course Achievement Overview page, click Export to CSV.