Discover allows learners to search for active courses by entering terms that match course titles and descriptions. Searching indexes up to 4KB of data (approximately 4000 characters or 550 words) from the description of each course and activity. Only courses that allow self-enrollment (configured by course administrators or instructors) appear in the search results. From the search results, learners select a course and enroll.
- By default, all courses configured to display in Discover are visible to any role within your organization. However, you can configure role-based access or custom user attribute-based access to individual courses using Enrollment Rules. For more information, refer to Control user access to courses with Enrollment Rules.
- To make it easier to index multiple courses for Discover, developers can use the Brightspace Developer Platform API to enable the Is Discoverable option on new or existing courses. Once the option is enabled, and courses are made active, those courses are visible in Discover, available to learners for self-enrollment. For information, refer to Brightspace Developer Platform documentation.
- Discover does not offer a public-facing eCommerce page where potential learners can view available courses and sign-up or register and create a new account.
- Discover does not support the following:
- Pre-requisite, anti-requisite, or co-requisite course offerings
- Seat limits, wait lists, or enrollment windows
- Multiple catalogs of courses
- Sections or groups self-enrollment
- Role selection during self-enrollment
 | Note: While it is not possible for a user to select the role they want to be when they self-enroll in a course, you can set the default role for all users that self-enroll on a per course basis. This is configured by choosing the Value in the d2l.System.Enrollment.LearnerRole config variable. This config variable role setting can be combined with cascading Org Unit Types to set the default role that should be used for all courses within a department, for example. |
- SIS integration or enabling self-enrollment in bulk