The Course Publisher tool enables course providers to easily distribute courses from their Brightspace instance (the host LMS) to a partner's external LMS (the destination LMS or recipient). Once deployed to the destination LMS (as an AICC course package or LTI link), external learners access the courses from the destination LMS and are launched into the Brightspace host LMS, providing a seamless learner and administrative experience.
From the host LMS, course providers track and manage course adoption, as well as learner progress, while results are sent back to the destination LMS (recipient) at the end of the course. This flexible deployment of course content is ideal for Brightspace users who are developing courses for third party clients and partners. It allows course providers to control access to their course content, ensuring the integrity and security of their intellectual property.

Additional benefits of Course Publisher:
External learners experience the full Brightspace course experience (including all available tools) when they access a course, regardless of the LMS they use.
Data about learner progress, recipients, and course packages is stored in Brightspace and can be tracked and reported on with Brightspace tools.
Course providers can update courses in real-time, without having to re-deploy course packages or LTI links to partners.
From the host LMS, course providers can easily toggle partner access to courses without deleting or re-publishing courses.
There is no administration of external user credentials or course enrolments from the host LMS; this administration is facilitated through Course Publisher.
AICC and LTI support grade/completion return to the destination LMS.
Note: The Course Publisher tool supports AICC 4.0 and LTI 1.3 Advantage standards.
This means that an LMS that does not support one of these standards cannot integrate with Course Publisher packages.
Course Publisher Workflow
The workflow for using Course Publisher is:
Publish a course package or create a recipient
From a list of courses in the host LMS, you can choose a course to publish. Next, name a recipient (your client) for the course package or select from the list of previously created recipients. If deploying course packages using LTI links, set up the LTI registration for the recipient. Then, publish the course package for deployment.
Deploy the course package
From the published course package page, you can download the AICC course package or copy the LTI link, along with the LTI registration information, and send it to the recipient.
Track and Manage Adoption
Once the recipient imports the AICC course package or configures the LTI link in their destination LMS and returns their deployment information to you to input in the Recipient settings, the course link is active and external learners can access the course from the destination LMS.
With a single-click from the destination LMS (your client), external learners are securely directed to the host LMS (you) to access the course content, engaging with the full Brightspace course experience.
Upon finishing the course, the host LMS can send a Final Grade and completion back to the destination LMS. The host LMS can also automatically send non-Final Grade types to the recipient LMS, but only for Numeric, Pass/Fail, and Selectbox grade items. Brightspace administrators have access to the same reports for external learners, just as they would for learners in the host LMS.