Deploy and modify the Multi-Profile Widget
The Multi-Profile Widget is a system widget that displays multiple roles and functions to be presented directly to learners on a course homepage. Drawing user details from Classlists and User Profiles, the Multi-Profile Widget automatically pulls in the people and details that you set up. Note: The Multi-Profile widget is…
Slim Announcements Widget Properties
The following table provides details for the properties available for the widget. Property NameDescriptionPossible Values headingColorHex Sets the color of the header link on each announcement.Six-digit hex code color in a string format of “#FFFFFF” (including the double quotes) newsImageDefault Sets the default image for…
Properties for the Visual Table of Contents Widget
As of the 20.25.1 release, the Visual Table of Contents (TOC) widget no longer requires JSON property values to edit widget configuration settings. All Visual TOC widget configuration settings are controlled by selecting Actions > Configure this widget. For more information, refer to Using the Visual Table of Contents…
Properties for the Welcome Window Widget
The following table provides details for the config settings available for the widget. Property NameDescriptionPossible Values moduleTitle To create content for the Welcome Window widget, a module must be created along with the content topics to be used. moduleTitle is the name of the module the widget will grab its…