Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a proposed standard for passing user, organization, and course information between learning management systems (tool consumers) and learning tools and tool providers, such as wikis, simulations, assessment tools, protected content, and so on.
Brightspace supports LTI 1.0 and 1.1. This support entails:
- Management interfaces to define integrations with external learning tools (tool providers) and to create links.
- New Quicklink type to allow links to tool providers to be easily incorporated throughout Brightspace courses.
- Links to external learning tools that can send user, organization, and course context information for a personalized experience in the tool. Single sign-on to learning tools is supported through an OAuth framework using a key/secret shared between the external learning tool and the configured link in Brightspace.
- Management tools to configure mapping from Brightspace roles to IMS roles, and from Brightspace org unit types to IMS context types.
To adhere to the LTI specification, Brightspace provides the full URN value in the "roles" field within LTI launch data, along with the short name. For example, the LTI Roles value for Learner is delivered as the following:
<input type="hidden" name="roles" value ="urn:lti:instrole:ims/lis/Learner,Learner">
D2L strongly advises clients, when configuring their D2L Role--IMS Role mapping (in the IMS Configuration settings tool), to only map their local D2L roles to the "handles" that appear in both the LIS Institution Role and LIS Context Role vocabularies: this will afford maximum portability when integrating with properly conforming Tool Provider applications and services.
You must enable LTI functionality at the organization (administrative) level before configuring tool providers at the organization or org unit level. This includes defining LTI permissions, mapping IMS roles and org units to the roles and org units at your organization, and setting default org level tool consumer information.