About D2L Achievement+
The D2L Achievement+ package provides aggregated achievement reporting across courses based on learning outcomes. It is designed for clients with advanced or additional assessment and reporting needs beyond the basic functionality provided by the Core package. It leverages Brightspace features for aligning outcomes across…
Viewing the Course Achievement Overview
The Course Achievement Overview visualization is found in the Grades Mastery View within a course. This page displays the overall outcomes achievement level of all learners and activities combined within a course. The displayed data shows whether learning outcomes set for the course have been Met or Not Met based on the…
D2L Achievement+ Quick Start
D2L Achievement+ is a paid add-on to Brightspace Core. To purchase D2L Achievement+, contact your D2L Account manager. The Achievement+ add-on package aggregates data into two new visualization components within Grade book Mastery View and dashboards in Insights Portal using specific settings in Learning Outcomes.…
About Web Accessibility at D2L
Prioritizing Web Accessibility Web accessibility refers to how easily people with disabilities can navigate and interact with websites. Disabilities may be physical, such as vision impairments including blindness or low vision, hearing impairment such as deafness, or fine motor skills difficulty; or cognitive, such as…
Understanding site organization using assistive technology
Logging into Brightspace using assistive technology Note: Different assistive technologies have specific functionality, shortcuts, and commands. Ensure that you review the help material for your assistive technology to ensure you are getting the most benefit and assistance. By default, the Login page for Brightspace has…
Viewing the Outcome Achievement Dashboard
The Outcome Achievement Dashboard is accessed in the Insights portal. It provides aggregated views of organization or program learning outcomes shared across multiple org units. When analyzing achievement data, you can filter results by specific semesters for comparative reporting over time. Administrators can further…
Reach every learner with Brightspace accessibility features
Accessibility Features for Screen Readers Brightspace includes features aimed at improving the usability of the system for learners using assistive technology. Design decisions that D2L uses to benefit screen reader users include the following items: * Standard page design. Similar functionality appears in the same place…
About the Users tool
The Users tool enables you to: * Create and manage users and user collections * Enroll and unenroll users * Deactivate and reactivate users * End all active sessions for users * View user and role statistics You can create and manage users with the Bulk User Management tool. You can also import multiple users using SIS…
Using assistive technology to navigate page elements
Using Landmarks with assistive technology Landmarks are waypoints that a screen reader uses to navigate a page. In general, Brightspace uses two landmarks: * The navbar has a landmark called Navigation. * The main body of all pages has a landmark called Main. Using headings and ARIA landmarks Headings and ARIA landmarks…
Brightspace packages
D2L offers several Brightspace packages to provide value to your organization. Depending on the package you purchased, some of the content in the Brightspace documentation may not apply to your organization. Talk to your D2L Client Sales Executive to learn about the value you could receive by opting into a package.…