Be sure to set a value for d2l.System.Enrollment.LearnerRole (see below), which can be set at an org unit level. This value is also currently used for enrollment with the Discover tool. If the user publishing courses is someone you don't want to grant administrator access to Brightspace, it should be a dedicated role with just the minimum permissions they need to publish courses (for example, the ability to see/manage courses, the Publish Course permission). If the user publishing courses is also a Brightspace administrator, you can just add the Publish Course permission to that admin role. If using sections in the destination courses, ensure that the sections are set to auto-enroll new users and that the learner role is set to be auto-enrolled into sections. Learners enrolled into a course with sections, but not into a section, will have an unexpected experience in several tools. When creating recipients, D2L recommends using a consistent naming convention so that you can later filter users by that recipient label. For example, if you publish a course package for Acme Inc, the recipient name in Course Publisher is “acme_inc." This also pre-pends the external users’ ID in Brightspace.It is not currently possible to rename of delete recipients. For deploying AICC course packages, D2L recommends sharing them via a secure channel (link to the AICC zip file through Dropbox or shared drive) with permissions granted to the user setting up the link on the destination LMS.Once an AICC package is shared, any destination LMS could deploy the package. If an unauthorized person gains access to a package file, they could install it in a 3rd party LMS without your knowledge. This would result in additional, unauthorized users accessing the course, which D2L would charge for as additional Brightspace users. For deploying LTI links, D2L recommends sending an email with the LTI registration details, as well as the LTI link to the course(s), and applicable setup instructions for their LMS, if available, from this document. This ensures that the recipient at the destination LMS has all of the information required to set up the registration. D2L recommends publishing courses that can be completed in a single session. If an AICC package does not upload, you can test whether the AICC Package is formed correctly by uploading it into another application that supports AICC 4.0, such as SCORM Cloud. Keep track of course start/end dates. If a published course has expired (i.e. the course start and end dates have been exceeded) and a user attempts to access this course from the partner’s LMS, they will receive an "Authorization Error Message." The course’s start/end dates will have to be extended, or removed, in Brightspace in order to re-enable access to the course. When typing in the name of your recipient, you should use a name that allows you to manage the packages based on your business model. For example: If you are selling course access to companies/organizations, use the company name as the recipient.If you are providing access to a partner network, use the partner name as the recipient.If you are providing access to multiple courses to a single recipient, use the same recipient name each time so that the end users are properly recognized as coming from the same recipient LMS and so that the packages are properly tagged as being for the same recipient. In order to monitor and control access to content, D2L recommends publishing a different package file for each remote LMS that accesses a course. You may publish multiple package files per Brightspace course - each to a different recipient. If a customer sees more than one Launch URL for a given package, this may indicate that the package has been installed in multiple remote LMS' and the customer should consider turning off access to that package.When creating a course, if returning final grades is required, ensure the course is set up to provide a final grade upon completion of the course and that the destination LMS is set up to receive a grade of the equivalent value. When a learner completes their course session, they should end the session properly by using the Log Out option on the Learner menu: Figure: The Log Out option available from the Learner options menu.