About organization grade schemes
You create organization grade schemes at the organization level. Once you create them, organization grade schemes are available to all org units. You can create an organization grade scheme for final grades to ensure that users’ grades are always reported in the same way across your institution. Organization grade schemes…
Ways to initiate Grades Export
Exports may be initiated by a user from Brightspace (push to SIS) or by a process from the SIS (pull from Brightspace). The process you choose depends on your institution’s preferred approach and the capabilities of your SIS. Enable the Grades Export tool The Grades Export tool must be enabled in order for users to have…
Enabling automatic zero grading
The automatic zero grading feature consists of two functions: Automatically assigning grades of zero (0) on supported course activities that are past due. Auto-tagging of the automatic zero grade to differentiate the grade from zeroes that are assigned manually by the instructor. The automatic zero functionality is off by…