Brightspace Pulse authenticates users with OAuth2.
Important: Brightspace Pulse and the Authentication Service do not work with self-signed, expired, or invalid certificates. If your organization uses a third-party portal for users to login, then you must use the same target parameter already configured for other D2L apps to allow SSO tokens to pass between the Brightspace platform and Brightspace Pulse. Documentation for this is available on Managing Learning Service User Authentication.
To sign into Pulse with OAuth2
From your device, tap the Brightspace Pulse icon.
To learn more about Brightspace Pulse, swipe left or right; otherwise tap Next.
Tap Pick Your School.
Search for your institution.
Tap on your institution.
Sign into your institution.
Note: When you pick your school in the Brightspace Pulse app, that data is sourced from information entered as part of Discovery workflow during the initial setup of your instance of Brightspace. For more information, refer to About Discovery workflow.
Troubleshoot sign in problems
Here are some reasons why you may encounter issues when trying to sign in to Brightspace Pulse.
User logs in to Pulse app but can only view the mobile version of Brightspace in a browser
When an unauthenticated user attempts to sign in to the Pulse app, the Pulse app sends the user to a secured browser session to enter their credentials and log into their LMS. This process follows the standard OAuth2 flow which relies on an added target parameter that’s used to redirect the user back to the Pulse app (completing the OAuth2 handshake).
For example, has the target parameter set to
If during the target parameter is lost or overridden then the browser cannot complete the OAuth2 handshake and the user session remains in the secured browser instead of logging in to the Pulse app.
Solution 1: Check that you can log in using a mobile browser first
You must first verify that your log in issue is not related to a general log in or authentication problem that is not directly related to the Pulse app.
To check log in from a mobile browser
- Open either Chrome or Safari app.
- Navigate to your LMS and log in.
If you cannot log in, your issue may be unrelated to Pulse app.
Solution 2: Check deep linking in Pulse app and log in using Chrome or Safari first
To check deep linking in the Pulse app
- Open a browser in Incognito.
- Navigate to your LMS with an org unit and the target set. For example, PARAM. In this example 12345 represents the org unit.
- Ensure that once you have logged in, you are redirected to the org unit page. Ensure that the target parameter successfully passed through the SSO by noting that the target value is removed on final page load but persists through the chain of log in requests made.
- As an additional check, you can repeat steps 1 to 3 with other org units.
If you don't navigate directly to the homepage for your org unit after logging in, it is likely that deep linking is not configured correctly.
Learners do not land on the correct org unit homepage