About the My Courses widget
The My Courses widget enables learners to access their favorite courses by pinning them to the top of their course list. In the mobile view, widgets now stack on top of each other, and the My Courses widget offers many new options to instructors. With this widget, instructors and learners see courses by enrollment date,…
About My Org Units widget
About My Org Units widget Normally, organization administrators are the only users at an institution who can view and navigate to all org unit types through the Org Unit Editor tool found in the Admin Tools menu. Instructors and learners cannot easily navigate to org unit types other than course offering org units they are…
About the Create Course widget
The Create Course widget provides a simplified option for users to create courses quickly without access to the Course Management tool. Using this widget, instructors and other non-administrative roles can quickly create a new course offering directly from their organization homepage. To create a course using the widget,…
Deploy and modify the Multi-Profile Widget
The Multi-Profile Widget is a system widget that displays multiple roles and functions to be presented directly to learners on a course homepage. Drawing user details from Classlists and User Profiles, the Multi-Profile Widget automatically pulls in the people and details that you set up. Note: The Multi-Profile widget is…
Set up the My Courses widget
Enable users to access future and past courses As an administrator in Brightspace, select Admin Tools. In the Admin Tools menu, under Security, select Roles and Permissions. From the Administrator drop-down menu, select Edit Settings. Under Course Access Options, Select the Access Future Courses checkbox and/or the Access…
Add a My Org Units widget to an organization homepage
From the Admin Tools menu, click Homepage Management. Click the Homepage that the org homepage uses. In the Widgets section, click Add Widgets. Select the My Org Units check box. Figure: Selecting My Org Units widget in the opened by clicking the Add Widgets button Add Widgets window. Click Add. Figure: The Add button in…
Set up the Create Course widget
The Create Course widget is an organization-level widget. You can add the Create Course widget to your organization homepage, or any other homepage. Note: You must have the required permissions before you can configure the widget. To configure the widget, you must define the following : * The available Departments for…
Slim Announcements Widget Properties
The following table provides details for the properties available for the widget. Property NameDescriptionPossible Values headingColorHex Sets the color of the header link on each announcement.Six-digit hex code color in a string format of “#FFFFFF” (including the double quotes) newsImageDefault Sets the default image for…
Customize the My Courses widget
Displaying the course code in the My Courses widget The My Courses widget can display the course code below the course name if you select the Show Course Code option in the widget settings. On the My Home or Course Home page, navigate to the My Courses widget. From the My Courses context menu, select Customize this widget.…
Properties for the Visual Table of Contents Widget
As of the 20.25.1 release, the Visual Table of Contents (TOC) widget no longer requires JSON property values to edit widget configuration settings. All Visual TOC widget configuration settings are controlled by selecting Actions > Configure this widget. For more information, refer to Using the Visual Table of Contents…