Brightspace Data Sets for Course Publisher depend on the Course Publisher tool being enabled. If you turn this tool on and off during the data set query period, there may be unexpected or missing content in your data sets.
Entity Relationship Diagram
The following diagram shows the relationships between entities used to create Brightspace Data Sets for Course Publisher. To enlarge the diagram, right-click on the image and select Open image in a new tab.

Course Publisher Launches
The Course Publisher Launches Brightspace Data Set returns details about course packages launched from the Course Publisher tool.
Version History
Column Size
6.8 |
LaunchId |
Unique course package launch identifier |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK |
6.8 |
OrgUnitId |
Unique org unit identifier
int |
8 |
FK |
6.8 |
RecipientId |
Unique recipient identifier |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
FK |
UserId |
Unique user identifier |
int |
8 |
FK |
6.8 |
RoleId |
Unique role identifier |
int |
8 |
FK |
6.8 |
LaunchMethod |
Method for launching the course package |
nvarchar |
256 |
6.8 |
ExternalUserId |
Unique external user identifier |
nvarchar |
256 |
6.8 |
ExternalLMSType |
External LMS type used by the recipient |
nvarchar |
256 |
6.8 |
IsNewUser |
If the external user is new |
bit |
1 |
6.8 |
LastModified |
Date the course package was last modified (UTC) |
datetime2 |
8 |
Course Publisher Recipients
The Course Publisher Recipients Brightspace Data Set returns details about course package recipients in the Course Publisher tool.
Version History
Column Size
RecipientID |
Unique recipient identifier |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK |
6.8 |
Name |
Recipient name
nvarchar |
256 |
6.8 |
CreatedAt |
Date the recipient was created (UTC) |
datetime2 |
8 |
LastModified |
Date the recipient was last modified (UTC) |
datetime2 |
8 |