About Data Purge
The Data Purge tool enables you to create data sets which you can purge or store as archived files. A data set is a collection of individual information items you can group together because they all share a common attribute. For example, Assignments, Grades, Quizzes, Announcements, and Homepages all belong to an Org Unit.…
About purging data in Brightspace ePortfolio
When performing org unit and instance purges, the following data is purged from Brightspace ePortfolio: * Comments, assessments, subscriptions, and tags attached to deleted objects * Orphaned presentation themes and presentation references to inactive objects * Inactive collection associations * Orphaned forms and form…
Brightspace Data Sets and the Data Purge tool
Under the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the right to the erasure of personal information is provided to individuals so that their data is removed from systems where it is no longer required. For detailed information on how all GDPR rights generally affect D2L's customers’ use of…
Viewing audit trails for data purge tasks
From the Admin Tools menu, click Data Purge. On the Data Purge page, select the data set you want to view a log for. Click View audit trail.
About archived data sets
Your organization's installation administrator or D2L Support creates the location file path of archived data sets. Contact D2L for access to archived data.
Create a data purge set in Brightspace
When clients create a data purge set for Users or Orgunits, it is important to review the data of the purge set for potential issues (such as courses that are currently in use) before performing the archive or purge. From the Admin Tools menu, click Data Purge. On the Data Purge page, from the Create Data Set action menu,…