The Org Unit Type Editor as a part of the Org Unit Editor allows you to modify the types of org units used within an organizational structure. Using the Org Unit Type Editor, you can add more org unit types to your hierarchy, change the names of existing org unit types, and change the hierarchy of org units. By default, there are six org unit types: Semester, Department, Course Template, Course Offering, Group, and Section.
For more information about each of these default org unit types, refer to Org Structures in Brightspace.
About editing org unit types
If you make changes to default org unit types (except departments), the changes affect all organizations on your instance. If you make changes to a custom org unit type or department the changes affect all org units of that type in your organization. You should have a clear understanding of what your organizational and cross-organizational needs are and how default and standard org unit types are used before you modify org unit types. Consult with your D2L account manager for assistance and direction.
Sample organization hierarchy
A sample organization hierarchy

The sample organization hierarchy diagram shows how the basic org unit types are arranged into a hierarchy. Custom org unit types are normally inserted between departments and the organization. For example, departments might be grouped into faculties, faculties into colleges, and colleges attached directly to the organization.
Watch how to set up a K-12 school board org structure
Watch how to set up a higher education org structure
Watch how to set up an enterprise org structure