Anthology Ally is a content accessibility service that guides instructors on how to improve the accessibility of their course content and alter future behavior. Anthology Ally also automatically checks for accessibility issues and generates alternative accessible formats. Additionally, Anthology Ally provides institution-wide reporting available to administrators on course content accessibility and drives further improvements at their institution.

Figure: The Course accessibility score of your course using Anthology Ally.
Set up and administer Anthology Ally
Clients will work directly with Anthology to purchase Ally licenses. Anthology then provides configuration details to help you set up Ally in your Brightspace instance.
Report on accessibility of existing org structure
Administrators can create an institutional-level report to proactively identify and remove learning barriers for learners. These reports show the types of issues that occur in the total content, which include:
PDF, .DOC and .DOCX, .PPT, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, and HTML files;
image files including .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG, .BMP, and .TIFF; and
YouTube videos.
The reports show these issues created over time, sorted by the types of content over time, including filtering for calendar year, academic term, and month. This information shows errors that occur in an organization, course, and file in a course by filtering down from a high level to a very generic level. The report shows a rating based on how the course files were without Anthology Ally intervention compared to an estimate on how the accessibility rating can be improved based on the automated changes available by using the Anthology Ally tools.
Administrators can export the report to CSV for longer term tracking of accessibility improvements.
For more information, refer to Anthology Ally Help.