Quick Eval offers evaluators a single location to view all learner submissions that are awaiting evaluation. Submissions made to Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions are displayed in a sortable list and can be selected to take you directly to their assessment page. Educators can sort, filter, and search submissions to prioritize their evaluation work. Sorting can be done using the first or last name of the learner, Activity Name, Course Name, and Submission date. Filtering can be done using one or more of the following categories: Activity Name, Course Name, and Submission Date. Clicking on a user’s name opens an evaluation screen directly from the Quick Eval list where the evaluator can complete their assessment. The search function in Quick Eval allows evaluators to locate submissions for evaluation by searching for a specific user, assignment, quiz, discussion topic, or course. Once you complete an evaluation, you can either publish your feedback, or save it as a draft and then return to the Quick Eval list to continue evaluating. Any assessment awaiting evaluation, or with its evaluation saved in draft status, displays in Quick Eval.
Submissions view supports anonymous marking for assignments created with the Hide student names during assessment option selected. Learner names and profile images do not display and are replaced by a generic profile image, and the name column shows Anonymous User. The d2l.Tools.System.Features.AnonymousMarking configuration variable must be enabled to display the Hide student names during assessment check box.

Note: There is an enrollment limit of 1000 courses for users in Quick Eval. If the user is explicitly enrolled in more than 1000 courses, a dialog warning appears and activities and submissions will not be shown to that user. |
Allow unassessed activities to appear in Quick Eval after course end date reached
By default, unassessed activities do not appear in Quick Eval once a course’s end date is reached. The d2l.Tools.UnassessedActivities.DaysToExtendEndDate configuration variable allows administrators to determine if unassessed activities appear in Quick Eval after a course has reached its end date. The configuration variable allows you to choose the length of time past the course end date that the activities display: it can be set to 7, 30, or 60 days beyond a course’s end date.