You can manage levels by creating, copying, deleting, filtering, and reordering them to ensure logical progression for learners. Edit level details, including names, descriptions, and visibility, while ensuring unique level names to prevent duplication. Additionally, you can view draft levels marked with a Hidden icon, toggle learner visibility, and track the last update for each level to maintain an up-to- date structure.
Add and edit levels
By default, new levels are hidden from learners.
To add a level
- From the Levels tab, click Add New Level.
- Enter the Level Name* and Level Description*.
- Click Save.

Note: The option to add an area of focus appears on the New Level page. The Add an Area button becomes available after saving the level details. Refer to Managing Areas and Sub Areas in Profession Path for steps to manage areas and sub areas.
To edit a level
- From the Levels tab, click Edit in the Level Actions menu for the level you want to edit.
- Edit the Level Name* and Level Description* fields, or click Add an Area or Edit from the Area Actions menu and edit the fields on the Manage Area page.
To make a level visible to learners
By default, all new levels are hidden from learners until you are ready to publish them.

Important: Once a level is made visible, it cannot be hidden again.
- From the Levels tab, click Make Visible to Users from the Level Actions menu for the level you want to edit.
- On the Confirmation pop-up, enter the name of the level you want to make visible in the Confirm Text* field.
- Click Publish.