Community Feedback🗨️

Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin
edited March 2023 in Community Corner

Connect with Community to share your feedback about the types of events and Learning Center resources you want to see more of, so that we can get busy creating these experiences for you!🤟🏽

For more opportunities to give us feedback about your Community Experience, connect with our Community Experience Survey or share your thoughts within this discussion thread to help us enhance your Brightspace Community Experience!

We are Learning ✍️ and Growing 🌱 with you in mind 💚



  • Ellen.W.101
    Ellen.W.101 Posts: 11 🌱

    How do you post a ticket with the new site?

  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 323 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Ellen.Whybrow5727 ,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here in our brand new space! We are excited to see your participation!

    ASC's currently have the exact same experience for logging a ticket. You can access the ASC Homepage through our Quick Links found on the homepage.

    A resource that may be helpful to answer some of your additional questions is our Community FAQ article. We invite you to use the On This Page feature to navigate to specific areas of the resource, depending what information you are looking for.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you!

  • Travis.H.362
    Travis.H.362 Posts: 24 🧭
    edited December 2022

    Hi! I'm having trouble figuring out how to direct message users. I can find their profile and leave a message on a "wall" but not seeing alternate ways. I saw the linked article below, but do not have the buttons that are referenced, so it may be a permissions thing. Thanks!

  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 323 ⏸️ Inactive


    Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention! This is the exact type of feedback that we love to hear so that we can make speedy adjustments to meet the needs of our clients! 

    We have temporarily disabled private messaging for users and taken down the related article while we take a look at these permissions and settings. Stay tuned for an update shortly!

  • Thomas.B.945
    Thomas.B.945 Posts: 9 🌱
    edited December 2022

    I found a reference to the Product Information Database in the Community FAQ. Currently, I log into the Brightspace Community, Click on Resources/Learning Center, then log into the learning center, and click on PIE, and log back into the Brightspace Community (really it's the "old" community). that requires three tabs in my browser, and three logons. The last thing you want is the impression of barriers put up to prevent users from suggesting improvements.

    (The initial post suggested a search didn't work. The search DOES work when you spell PIE right. Dyslexia strikes again.)

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin
    edited December 2022

    Hi @Thomas.Bartenstein9755

    That is such important feedback and I'm so very grateful to you for taking the time to share back with us!

    You're 100% right, our Product Idea Exchange (PIE) isn't connected to our new Community by single sign on yet- but as you pointed out, we're making our plans known in The Community Corner, with New & Upcoming in the Community - Brightspace ( specifically, that we hope to connect them in early 2023!

    Connecting to PIE can and should be easier- we're working on it and can't wait for that next step of the project in the New Year! For now, you can get connected by selecting Product Idea Exchange from the Quick Links on your homepage

    Truly grateful for your thoughts- they help us to understand where we're on the right track, and where we can make life easier.



  • Thomas.B.945
    Thomas.B.945 Posts: 9 🌱

    Wow Stefanie... Thanks for the lightning response! I'm looking forward to the new release in the new year.

  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 22 🧭

    I LOVE the new Documentation! And I LOVE the smattering of screenshots included at relevant places (e.g., in the section about Performance+)!

    One thing I find odd/confusing in the Documentation > Admins > Roles and Permissions section is the organization of the subsections. Why are the subsections labelled "Roles and Permissions Basics" and "About roles and Permissions" located where they are, i.e., in seemingly random places down the list? This is clearly not an alphabetical list... so what is the governing rationale for the existing placement of these two pivotal subsections?

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 86 admin
    edited February 2023

    Hi @Janet.Osborne3295 !

    Thanks! We LOVE getting kudos :D

    We also love getting feedback like this. You're absolutely right, the two sections definitely have overlap. We've taken content into the New Community from a few different places ( and the Legacy community as well as a few other places). It looks like what's happened here is that one section was intended to be the "Here's how to create and/or import roles and permissions" and the other was intended as an introduction to the list of tool-based permissions (which would perhaps be better named slightly differently). They likely came from different areas in their former locations, and when brought together, need better integration.

    My team will have a look at how we can improve (and correct the wonky alphabetization) on these topics.


    Mary MacDonald

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 🎆
    edited February 2023

    Over in the Community Groups, Higher Education, Teaching & Learning, and Developers are all listed as Secret Groups even though they were open/public groups on the old site.

    When I click the My Discussions link in the right side bar, the page tells me "No discussions were found." even though there was a number next to the link.

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    Hi @Jennifer.Wagner3830

    You're reading our minds! We were just chatting about this on the Community Team and are connecting with some new team members here at D2L to make some updates in those groups and then make them public again. Definitely working on it- and hope to make that change soon!

    I'd like to take a closer look at the My Discussions error- may I trouble you to either:

    • send me: a screen shot of the number shown in the quicklinks and the message you see on the page with a time stamp (when did you notice this) or
    • May I have your permission to collect that information on your behalf?
  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    HI @Jennifer.Wagner3830 Just wanted to provide an update for you and others who may be following too :)

    • Our Community Vendor believes there's an error impacting the count of group discussions which aren't being added to the "My Discussions" page- but they are being counted in the tally you see in the Quick Links Widget. -the vendor is aware and working to resolve this
    • We're working to make some new edits and changes across some of our groups. The Developer Group had been set to secret since launch of the New Community- but as of today it's back to being public.
  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    Looking for opportunities to leave us some of your feedback?

    Connect with one of the following 🗳️Open Community Polls,

    🗳️Poll: Recommend Content Topics for the BrightspaceHelp Twitter Handle

    🗳️Poll: Recommend Topics to be addressed in the Instructional Design Best Practices Group


    💡Leave us a Suggestion in this discussion

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    Share more about the Community Experience in our new Community Experience Survey and int this discussion thread to help us enhance your Brightspace Community Experience!

    We are Learning ✍️ and Growing 🌱 with you in mind 💚

  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 22 🧭

    I was reading and found that the link provided for “Where do I go to find out more?” is circular and simply leads back the top of the page.

    I did find the info I was looking for on the old documentation site, under Add an Identity Provider…. but it would be nice if in time this info could be added into these nice, eye-ball friendly sections/pages on the new Community. 🙂

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    @Janet.Osborne3295 Thank you so much for catching that error and for letting us know!
    We're coordinating with our excellent Knowledge Team to have that updated ASAP!

    I'm not sure if you've seen it, but some of the Team that worked on the latest updates to SAML also created a course in the Brightspace Learning Center on the tool - you'd have to login with your legacy community credentials but it may also be handy. (*truly working on that SSO from New Community to Learning Center- so you won't have to login with Legacy credentials for too much longer)

    Please keep that feedback coming- so grateful to you!

  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 22 🧭

    Hi, D2L Team. 🙂

    I just hit the Release Notes Updates page for the first time and I found it a little hard to follow because the dates on the posts are labelled with month and year only, without the day… so I was puzzled about how posts/comments related to each other in terms of chronology and timing.

    However, as I began writing this feedback comment, I went back to look at it again and discovered that "Ohhh…" if I hover over a month-year, a tooltip shows me the full date and time. Wish I had realized this at the get-go!

  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 22 🧭

    Ohhh! And now that I look yet again and scroll to the bottom of that Release Notes page, I see that later posts do have month and day… it's just the earlier ones that were month-year only. 😉

  • Not sure if the developers actually read this forum but I have an idea…

    So I'm going to run a multiple-choice test with my grade 10's tomorrow. I teach the same gr 10 class period 1 and period 5. So, I give the test to my period one's and it automatically marks it and sends the results to the kids. However, they can copy and paste the questions and send them to their friends in period 5.

    So, what would be nice is a delayed response to go out at the end of the day. So all classes writing would get their results at my chosen time. So instead of it saying "automatically send results" have a choice "send results at
    [ __:__ pm ]

    (or can that be achieved somewhere currently?)

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    @Janet.Osborne3295 It sounds like we're on the right track with those Release Notes Updates- but please keep that feedback coming! We're grateful to be hearing from you!

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    @Doug.Thompson7963 I'm not sure about this but I'm wondering if you have an end date for the quiz, and then select automatic grading- if that would be in the difference.

    I'm not the quiz expert I want to be, but I'm learning more through your question.
    I'm going to check in with a few more folks who know Quizzing a bit better than I do, how they'd tackle that and will update this thread with more information.

    I have been able to find a PIE item which is close D5318 which offers the idea of a specific time for feedback to go out to all students. It's not planned currently- but may be worth your vote.

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    I have learned through your question- and you are correct- there is a way to do this in Brighspace.

    If you're using the Classic Quiz Experience:

    The default view is set to give the results immediately once the quiz is submitted.

    You can add an additional submission view and customize it to how and when you want it to be published to the students.

     Use these steps to add a customized submission view :

    • In the Submission Views tab, do one of the following:
      • To edit the default view, click the Default View link. Make your changes and click Save.
      • To create a new view, click Add Additional View. Customize your view and
      • click Save.
    • Click Save and Close.

    In the New Quiz Experience:

    Edit the default/initial submission view so that it doesn't show answers, then click on 'Customize Quiz Results Displays' to add an additional view that will show answers after a certain date/time

  • Jonathan.S.595
    Jonathan.S.595 Posts: 80 🧭

    Is there a way to get an email when someone asks a new question? I know you can bookmark the ones already asked so you get an email if someone posts or updates that item. That is one thing I miss from the old community.

  • Erin.M.617
    Erin.M.617 Posts: 6 🧭

    Is it possible to search documentation after clicking a role? For example, if a learner came to find information, how would they be able to search only learner documentation? The same would be for instructors.

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    @Jonathan.Sorrenti6628 There are some features that we're looking at that would allow you to subscribe to wider categories of content within Community- but there isn't a universal subscription currently to alert you to all new questions posted to the site.

    So grateful to you for your feedback on this, and for your kind responses to others here in the Community!
    I'll follow up on additional updates as they're released that would give you more insight on incoming questions.

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin
    edited March 2023

    If the learner was from a College or University, I'd recommend that they:

    1) select Higher Ed from the Homepage

    2) Input their search ex. "Quiz"

    3) Change the search filter under "Knowledge Base" to "Learner Documentation (Higher Ed).

    This will return content intended for that specified audience.

  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 22 🧭

    FYI, I walked through the info on how to Set up the new SCORM solution the other day and ended up chatting with D2L Support because the steps outlined for "Enable the Content Service configuration variable," as well as the relevant section (@0:37) of the tutorial video, didn't reflect what I could see in my Brightspace installation.

    The string I was seeing for the instance value in the config variable browser washttps://api.{region}… and it was unclear whether I needed to do anything to "fix" this or not.

    Support was able to confirm for me that it was indeed validating from the correct region even though it wasn't explicitly apparent to me and that I didn't need to do anything further. It would be great if the text instructions could be updated to clarify that point for users in the same boat as me (!).

    FYI, Support also shared with me a helpful link to, which was wonderful because it helped me understand the key differences between legacy SCORM and the new SCORM (because honestly I had no idea, never having used SCORM before)! Kudos to Pilar! 😄

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    HI @Janet.Osborne3295
    I've just connected your feedback with our Knowledge Team to schedule the updates to that content.
    Very grateful to you for taking the time to share your thoughts on both the gaps, and the information we should be adding to this documentation.

    Will also be sure to share this very kind note with Pilar!

  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 22 🧭

    Hi, there. 🙂

    I just had my first look at the new page and I was dismayed that the Upcoming Changes section only gives Brightspace version numbers without any tentative dates (month + year).

    If there's some magic key to understanding version numbers and how those correlate and/or translate to the calendar, I've failed to comprehend it for four years already. 🤔

    I miss the old page that didn't require me to interpret D2L-speak in order to understand what may be impacting us when. 😥 This is my little whine.

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 86 admin
    edited April 2023

    Hi @Janet.Osborne3295 - the version numbers are the year and month: For example: 20.23.5 is year.month (2023 May).
    We can't have that many columns in the new Community because it squeezes everything onto the page without a horizontal scroll - and looks proper awful.