Brightspace Data Sets for Portfolio depend on Portfolio being enabled. If you turn this tool on and off during the data set query period, there may be unexpected or missing content in your data sets.
Entity Relationship Diagram
The following diagram shows the relationships between entities used to create Brightspace Data Sets for Portfolio. To enlarge the diagram, right-click on the image and select Open image in a new tab.

Portfolio Categories
The Portfolio Categories Brightspace Data Set details the categories that have been created in your organization.
Returned Fields
Version History
Column Size
5.7 / 6.0 - Updated column size
CategoryId |
Unique category identifier |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK |
5.0 |
OrgUnitId |
Unique org unit identifier.
Field can be null
int |
4 |
FK |
5.0 |
Name |
Portfolio category name. |
nvarchar |
256 |
4.7 / 5.1 - Updated description
IsRetired |
Indicates the category is retired and therefore cannot be used. |
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
IsDeleted |
Indicates if the portfolio category is deleted |
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
LastModified |
Date when the portfolio category was last modified (UTC). |
datetime2 |
8 |
5.0 |
LastModifiedBy |
User who last modified the portfolio category. |
int |
4 |
FK |
Portfolio Evidence Categories
The Portfolio Evidence Categories Brightspace Data Set details the one or many categories that are mapped to each piece of evidence in the Portfolios in your organization.
Returned Fields
Version History
Column Size
5.7 / 6.0 - Updated column size |
CategoryId |
The identifier for the category |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK, FK |
5.7 / 6.0 - Updated column size |
EvidenceId |
The identifier for the evidence |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK, FK |
4.7 / 5.1 - Updated description
Group |
Indicates how the category was linked to the evidence. By the learner or instructor. |
nvarchar |
30 |
PK |
5.0 |
IsDeleted |
Indicates whether the link between the category and the evidence is deleted |
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
LastModified |
Date when the portfolio category was last modified (UTC). |
datetime2 |
8 |
5.0 |
LastModifiedBy |
User who last modified the portfolio category |
int |
4 |
FK |
Portfolio Evidence Log
The Portfolio Evidence Log Brightspace Data Set returns the actions that occur to each piece of evidence in the Portfolios in your organization. The first data point is from May, 2019 or your first use of the Portfolio tool, whichever is more recent.
Returned Fields
Version History
Column Size
5.7 / 6.0 - Change to column size |
LogId |
Unique identifier for each action that occurs on each object in a portfolio. |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK |
5.7 / 6.0 - Change to column size |
ParentObjectId |
Unique identifier of the evidence.
Field can be null.
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
5.7 / 6.0 - Change to column size |
ObjectId |
Unique identifier of the object where the action occurred. This is equal to ParentObjectId when the ObjectType is evidence. |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
4.7 / 5.1 - Updated description
ObjectType |
Indicates what type of object the action occurred on such as the evidence itself or reflection, etc. |
nvarchar |
40 |
4.5 |
UserId |
Unique user identifier. |
int |
4 |
FK |
7.6 - Updated description |
OrgUnitId |
Unique org unit identifier.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
FK |
4.5 |
Action |
The action that occurred: Created, Updated or Deleted. |
nvarchar |
16 |
4.5 |
IsMobile |
Indicates if the action occurred on a mobile device. |
bit |
1 |
4.5 |
ActionDate |
Date action was completed (UTC). |
datetime2 |
8 |
Portfolio Evidence Objects
The Portfolio Evidence Objects Brightspace Data Set defines the attributes of each piece of evidence in Portfolios in your organization.
Returned Fields
Version History
Column Size
5.7 / 6.0 - Updated column size
EvidenceId |
Unique evidence identifier |
uniqueidentifier |
16 |
PK |
5.0 |
OwnerId |
The user ID that this evidence belongs to |
int |
4 |
FK |
7.6 - Updated description |
OrgUnitId |
Unique org unit identifier.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
FK |
5.0 |
EvidenceType |
The type of evidence |
nvarchar |
30 |
5.0 |
Title |
The evidence title |
nvarchar |
1000 |
5.0 |
IsApproved |
Indicates the evidence is approved |
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
IsSpotlighted |
Indicates the evidence is spotlighted |
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
IsSharedToParents |
Indicates the evidence is shared to parents |
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
IsDeleted |
Indicates that the evidence object is deleted. |
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
IsRecoverableByInstructor |
Indicates that the deleted evidence object can be recovered by the instructor.
Field can be null.
bit |
1 |
5.0 |
LastModified |
Date when the evidence object was last modified (UTC). |
datetime2 |
8 |
5.0 |
LastModifiedBy |
User who last modified the evidence object |
int |
4 |
FK |
6.6 |
IsSharedWithInstructor |
Indicates the evidence is shared to instructors.
Field can be null.
bit |
1 |
6.6 |
DateSharedWithInstructor |
Date when the evidence was most recently shared to instructors (UTC).
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |