For an optimal experience that offers better performance, accessibility, and security, D2L recommends that all users access Brightspace with the latest version of a supported browser.
Most browsers automatically update to the latest version by default. To ensure you are always running the latest browser version, D2L recommends that you set your browser to auto-update.
D2L is committed to performing key application testing to ensure that Brightspace performs as expected when new browser versions are released.
Brightspace requires your browser to enable both JavaScript and cookies.
About naming
We classify browser versions as Supported, Legacy, Unsupported (Warning), and Unsupported (Blocked).
Update Schedule |
Browser Age |
Supported |
D2L supports this by bug-fixing and by thoroughly testing these versions. |
January and July |
Roughly 3 months old |
Legacy |
D2L does not make browser or version specific bug-fixes for these browser versions nor does D2L test them. |
January and July |
3 years to 3 months old |
Unsupported (Warning) |
D2L does not make browser or version specific bug-fixes for these browser versions nor does D2L test them. |
January and July |
5 years to 3 years old |
Unsupported (Blocked) |
These browser versions are not able to use Brightspace. |
July only |
Older than 5 years |
D2L updates its lists of supported and unsupported browser versions twice a year in January and July. Before this occurs, an announcement appears in the Brightspace Platform Release Notes to notify users about the scheduled changes.
Supported browsers
Supported browsers are the latest major version of D2L's supported browsers (see table below).
You can report problems and receive technical support for issues with supported browsers.
D2L takes great care and effort to test Brightspace against all our currently supported browsers.
Desktop Computers
Brightspace is supported on the following desktop platforms with the latest browser versions:
Apple® Safari®
Google® Chrome™ |
Microsoft® Edge |
Mozilla® Firefox® |
Apple® Mac OS® |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Microsoft® Windows® |
Not Applicable |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Tablets and Mobile Devices
Brightspace is supported on the following tablets and mobile devices with the latest browser versions:
Apple® Safari®
Google® Chrome™ |
Microsoft® Edge |
Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple® iOS® for iPhone® and iPad® |
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Android™ OS for Android phones and tablets |
Not Applicable |
Yes |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Legacy browsers
Browser versions within the following ranges are on the Legacy list:
- Chrome 94 (released October 2021) to 128 (released August 2024)
- Edge 94 (released October 2021) to 128 (released August 2024)
- Firefox 92 (released September 2021) to 129 (released August 2024)
- Safari 15 (released September 2021) to 17 (released September 2023)
If you use a browser on the Legacy list, you will see a pop up with the message "Your browser is looking a little retro" each time you log in.
You can still access Brightspace with Legacy browsers; however, D2L does not do the same in-depth Brightspace testing against these older versions. This means you may encounter unexpected user interface behavior and appearance or broken and unsupported functionality. In most cases, D2L does not provide technical support or fix software defects experienced in Legacy browsers.
The decision to move browsers onto the Legacy list is made very intentionally and considers a variety of factors including version age, usage, and security and performance concerns. D2L strongly encourages the use of up-to-date browsers due to the high potential of security risks in older versions which may compromise passwords, files or information, or infect the computer with viruses.
About Chromebooks
Google supports Chromebooks six years after the initial release of the device, regardless of purchase date. D2L recommends you remain aware of the Google’s Auto Update Expiration for your device. This can be found by referring to Google Approved ChromeOS devices and searching for your device.
When Google’s support ends, Chrome no longer updates, resulting in no further updates to features, performance, or security. Subsequently, the version of Chrome becomes classified as Legacy followed by Unsupported browser coverage. D2L’s Legacy and Unsupported browser support is covered above. If Chrome support on the Chromebook has expired, there is an option to install an alternate browser like Edge (via Play Store) or Firefox (instructions available). In this situation a ChromeOS version of 80 or higher is required.
Unsupported browsers
Unsupported (warning)
Browser versions within the following ranges are on the Unsupported (warning) list:
- Chrome 67 (released May 2018) to 93 (released August 2021)
- Edge 80 (released February 2020) to 93 (released August 2021)
- Firefox 67 (released May 2019) to 91 (released August 2021)
- Firefox ESR 102 (released June 2022) and older
- Safari 12 (released September 2018) to 14 (released September 2020)
If you use a browser on the Unsupported (warning) list, you can still access Brightspace but you will see a full screen "Unsupported browser" warning each time you log in, which you can dismiss.
D2L does not provide technical support or fix software defects experienced in Unsupported browsers.
Unsupported (blocked)
Browser versions within the following ranges are on the Unsupported (blocked) list:
- Chrome 66 (released April 2018) and older
- Edge 18 (released October 2018) and older
- Firefox 66 (released March 2019) and older
- Firefox ESR 60.7 (released May 2019) and older
- Safari 11 (September 2017) and older
- Microsoft Internet Explorer all versions
- Microsoft Edge Legacy all versions
If you attempt to connect to a Brightspace instance using a blocked browser, a full screen "Unsupported browser" warning appears prevents you from logging in.
These browser versions are explicitly blocked by Brightspace due to extremely low usage, potential of severe security vulnerabilities, or performance issues. These unsupported browsers are blocked from accessing Brightspace due to performance, security, and feature support.

Warning: D2L does not provide technical support for blocked browsers.
D2L updates its list of blocked browser versions once a year in July.
Unsupported technologies
As of December 31, 2020, Adobe no longer supports Flash Player and has blocked Flash content from running in Flash Player on January 12, 2021. For more information, refer to Adobe Flash Player End of Life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my browser is outdated?
Chrome: Navigate to the menu → Help → About Google Chrome
Firefox: Navigate to Help → About Firefox
Safari: Navigate to the Safari menu → About Safari
Edge: Navigate to Settings and more → Settings → About Microsoft Edge
These screens display the browser version number and informs you if it is the latest version. Depending on the browser, it may give you the option to update your browser.
What steps should I take if my browser is outdated?
On a computer, you can update your browser from the screen that shows you if your browser is updated (refer to the question above). In some cases, you will not be able to due to your organization putting rules in place or the computer being out of warranty. Contact your help desk for advice or assistance.
On a mobile device, navigate to the App Store or Play Store, navigate to the Updates section, and select your browser.
Will I receive a warning if my browser is going to no longer be supported by Brightspace?
Brightspace provides a warning during login if the browser is on a Legacy or Unsupported list.
How far in advance does Brightspace know when a browser version is at risk for losing support?
D2L publishes the list of supported browsers 90 days before the changes to the Legacy and Unsupported lists occur to provide an opportunity to proactively update browsers.