Brightspace Data Sets for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) have a dependency on My CPD Records. If you turn this tool on and off during the data set query period, there may be unexpected or missing content in your data sets.
Entity Relationship Diagram
The following diagram shows the relationships between entities used to create Brightspace Data Sets for Continuous Professional Development. To enlarge the diagram, right-click on the image and select Open image in a new tab.

CPD Categories
The CPD Categories Brightspace Data Set returns a list of all categories defined for My CPD Records.
Version History
Column Size
9.13 |
CategoryId |
Unique identifier for each category. |
int |
4 |
PK |
9.13 |
Name |
The name of the category. |
nvarchar |
256 |
9.13 |
LastModified |
The date and time (UTC) that the category was added or last updated.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
DateDeleted |
The date and time (UTC) that the category was deleted.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
Version |
Indicates the version of the row. This information is used to determine which table row occurred first. |
bigint |
8 |
CPD Job Targets
The CPD Job Targets Brightspace Data Set returns a list of all targets set by the user attribute Job Title. If no user attributes are defined for your organization, the data set will be empty.
Version History
Column Size
9.13 |
PrincipalId |
Unique identifier for the principal which sets the job target. |
int |
4 |
PK |
9.13 |
CategoryId |
Unique identifier for the category associated with the job target. |
int |
4 |
PK, FK |
9.13 |
JobTitle |
The title of the job. |
nvarchar |
256 |
9.13 |
StructuredMinutes |
The structured record duration of the job target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
UnstructuredMinutes |
The unstructured record duration of the job target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
StructuredRecordCount |
The structured record count of the job target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
UnstructuredRecordCount |
The unstructured record count of the job target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
StartDate |
Start date (UTC) of the rolling or specific period for annual job target and progress tracking.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
DateDeleted |
The date and time (UTC) the category was deleted.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
LastModified |
The date and time (UTC) the job target was added or last updated based on the Tracking Method. |
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
Version |
Indicates the version of the row. The Version of the job target is updated based on the Tracking Method. |
bigint |
8 |
CPD Methods
The CPD Methods Brightspace Data Set returns a list of all methods defined within My CPD Records.
Version History
Column Size
9.13 |
MethodId |
Unique identifier for each method. |
int |
4 |
PK |
9.13 |
Name |
The name of the method. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
9.13 |
LastModified |
The date and time (UTC) the method was added or last updated.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
DateDeleted |
The date and time (UTC) the method was deleted.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
Version |
Indicates the version of the row. This information is used to determine which table row occurred first. |
bigint |
8 |
CPD Question Answers
The CPD Question Answers Brightspace Data Set returns a list of all answers provided by each user per CPD record for the CPD questions defined for My CPD Records.
Version History
Column Size
9.13 |
AnswerId |
Unique identifier for each answer to a question. |
int |
4 |
PK |
9.13 |
AnswerText |
The text containing the answer to the question. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
9.13 |
QuestionId |
Unique identifier for the question. |
int |
4 |
FK |
9.13 |
RecordId |
Unique identifier of the Record where the action occurred. |
int |
4 |
FK |
9.13 |
UserId |
Unique user identifier. |
int |
4 |
FK |
9.13 |
Action |
The action that occurred: Created, Updated or Deleted. |
nvarchar |
16 |
9.13 |
LastModified |
The date and time (UTC) the answer was added or last updated.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
DateDeleted |
The date and time (UTC) the answer was deleted.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
Version |
Indicates the version of the row. This information is used to determine which table row occurred first. |
bigint |
8 |
CPD Questions
The CPD Questions Brightspace Data Set returns a list of all CPD questions defined for My CPD Records.
Version History
Column Size
9.13 |
QuestionId |
Unique identifier for each question. |
int |
4 |
PK |
9.13 |
QuestionText |
The text containing the question. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
9.13 |
LastModified |
The date and time (UTC) the question was added or last updated.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
DateDeleted |
The date and time (UTC) the method was deleted.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
Version |
Indicates the version of the row. This information is used to determine which table row occurred first. |
bigint |
8 |
CPD User Records
The CPD User Records Brightspace Data Set returns a list of all CPD records created by users in your organization.
Version History
Column Size
9.13 |
RecordId |
Unique identifier for each user record. |
int |
4 |
PK |
9.13 |
RecordName |
The name of the user record. |
nvarchar |
256 |
9.13 |
State |
The state of the record: Published or Draft. |
nvarchar |
50 |
9.13 |
UserId |
Unique user identifier for the owner of the record. |
int |
8 |
FK |
9.13 |
Category |
The ID of the record's category. |
int |
8 |
FK |
9.13 |
Method |
The ID of the record's method. |
int |
8 |
FK |
9.13 |
CreditMinutes |
Number of minutes credited by the record. |
int |
8 |
9.13 |
Evidence |
Comma delimited list of evidence file names. |
nvarchar |
4000 |
9.13 |
Type |
The type of the record: Structured or Unstructured. |
nvarchar |
50 |
9.13 |
Grade |
The grade value of the associated award.
Field can be null.
decimal |
4, 3 |
9.13 |
DateCompleted |
The user provided date that the record was completed. |
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
LastModified |
The date and time (UTC) the record was added or last updated.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
DateDeleted |
The date and time (UTC) the method was deleted.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
Version |
Indicates the version of the row. This information is used to determine which table row occurred first. |
bigint |
8 |
CPD User Targets
The CPD User Targets Brightspace Data Set returns a list of all CPD targets set for each user in your organization. If a user doesn't have any targets set, they will not have a row included in this data set.
Version History
Column Size
9.13 |
PrincipalId |
Unique identifier for the user target set by a principal. |
int |
4 |
PK |
9.13 |
CategoryId |
The ID of the user target's category. |
int |
4 |
PK, FK |
9.13 |
UserId |
Unique user identifier. |
int |
4 |
FK |
9.13 |
StructuredMinutes |
The structured record duration of the user target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
UnstructuredMinutes |
The unstructured record duration of the user target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
StructuredRecordCount |
The structured record count of the user target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
UnstructuredRecordCount |
The unstructured record count of the user target.
Field can be null.
int |
4 |
9.13 |
StartDate |
Start date (UTC) of the rolling or specific period for user annual target and progress tracking.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
DateDeleted |
The date and time (UTC) the category was deleted.
Field can be null.
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
LastModified |
The date and time (UTC) the user target was added or last updated based on the Tracking Method. |
datetime2 |
8 |
9.13 |
Version |
Indicates the version of the row. The Version of the user target is updated based on the Tracking Method. |
bigint |
8 |