Web Site Menu
This is where store templates and site images are managed. Figure: Click the Web Site drop-down menu to manage templates and images. Template A template controls the structure and appearance of a page, email, etc. This controls how the products and categories are laid out and the visual design. It can also determine the…
A Category is a container for related products. Categories form the basis of the storefront layout. The Categories and their child categories are displayed in a paginated table. Figure: Manage categories and their child categories on the Categories page. The following are column headings: * Category - The name of the…
E-Store Menu
The E-Store dropdown list is where Categories, Products, Vouchers and Discounts are managed. Figure: Click E-Store to navigate to pages related to categories, products, vouchers, and discounts. The links in the dropdown list are documented in depth on separate pages: * Categories - containers for related products. *…
A product is an item you display in the store. This can be an LMS course or physical goods. Important: The name of this page is different depending on your implementation. If you have a simplified version of Course Merchant, you will see Products in the E-Store dropdown menu. If you have a more complex implementation with…
Products Backend
A Backend Product represents an individual date or time when a course takes place. A Backend Product isn't displayed within the storefront until it is linked to a Frontend Product. A Backend Product can only link to one Frontend Product, but a Frontend Product can link to multiple Backend Products. Important: The…
Shipping Menu
This is where shipping settings and pricing is managed. Figure: Click the Shipping drop-down menu to view and manage settings and pricing. Shipping Settings Course Merchant's shipping system allows you to set the cost of shipping physical goods in varying ways. The system is based on how many units a product weighs. Any…
Products Waiting Lists
A product is set up so that when it's out of stock, it gives customers the option to sign up for a waiting list to be notified when it comes back into stock. This is useful when you have limited spaces on a course, for example, because tutors become fully booked, or limited stock of a product. Once you add more stock to…
Reports Menu
This is where Course Merchant's built in reporting functions are accessed. Figure: Click the Reports drop-down menu to access Orders and Sales Reports. Orders Course Merchant has three built in orders reports which you can view on the Orders page. You will be presented with the Order List and can select one of the…
Voucher Codes Vouchers, also known as coupon codes, are codes that can be used by a customer at checkout to receive a set discount. Course Merchant has flexible Voucher (Coupon) Code functionality. A voucher code is entered at the point of checkout to allow someone to purchase a product at a predetermined discount rate.…
CRM Menu
This is where the status of the Reporting Layer can be viewed and the queue and settings managed. Course Merchant can optionally link to a Reporting Layer for advanced reporting on sales data and managing of customer records. Important: The availability of this menu depends on your implementation. If you haven't purchased…