Lumi Chat is available to subscribers of D2L End User Support Lite only. To enable Lumi Chat for your organization, contact your EUS Manager.
If you do not currently subscribe to EUS and are interested in the Lumi Chat, contact your D2L Account Team for more information on the EUS packages.
Customize Lumi Chat
EUS clients can include a custom greeting and a small number of custom buttons for end-user inquiries specific to the organization. Custom buttons can be used to provide users with information about frequently asked questions that are unrelated to D2L Support. These buttons appear immediately once Lumi Chat is activated to provide users with this information right away.
For example:
Custom Button #1: How do I enroll/unenroll in courses?
Button Answer #1: For enrollment inquiries, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 123-456-7890.
Other examples include topics such as Financial Aid, Enrollment Inquiries, and Advisor Services.
Note: D2L recommends adding a maximum of 4-5 custom buttons to the AI for an optimal user experience. D2L EUS clients should work with their EUS Manager to set up and determine which buttons should be created.
In addition to custom buttons, your organization can customize the greeting that appears as soon as a user clicks on the Lumi Chat. For example;
Manage the visibility of Lumi Chat for users
Administrators can manage the visibility of Lumi Chat for the roles in their organization using Roles and Permissions.
To enable or disable Lumi Chat for user roles in your organization
From the Admin Tools menu, click Roles and Permissions.
From the context menu of the role for which you want to edit properties, click Edit Permissions.
In the Filter by Tool drop-down list, select Users. Click Apply Filter.
Select the See End User Support Widget permission.
Click Save and Close.