The following Advanced Data Sets help you understand more about the activity within your organization.

Note: Most data sets require the User > View User Enrollments permission. Ensure you have this permission when running reports on any data sets related to user enrollments. |
All Grades
The All Grades data set returns one row for each gradable item for each learner in each course offering.
Note: Course offerings must be the direct or indirect children of a specific org unit.
For example, you can export all grade items for:
- all course offerings in a specific department
- all course offerings in a specific semester
- a specific course offering
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute All Grades (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required).
Note: This is an org unit's unique identification number that appears in the org unit's web address. All org unit IDs are listed in the Org Unit Editor.
- Date Range
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the last modified date for the grade item.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name
Can be null?
10.7.0 |
User Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the user.
10.7.0 |
Org Defined Id
User’s Org Defined Id (often the learner identifier from an SIS system).
10.7.0 |
User’s username.
10.7.0 |
First Name
User’s first name.
10.7.0 |
Last Name
User’s last name.
10.7.0 |
Is Active
Learner's status.
10.7.0 |
Role Id
User’s role Id at the specific course offering.
10.7.0 |
Role Name
User’s role at the specific course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Code
Often the course identifier from an SIS system.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Name
Name of the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Section Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the section.
10.7.0 |
Course Section Code
Client defined code for the section.
10.7.0 |
Course Section Name
Name of the section.
10.7.0 |
Grade Item Category Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the category in which the grade item belongs.
10.7.0 |
Grade Item Category Name
Name of the category in which the grade item belongs.
10.7.0 |
Grade Item Id
D2L’s unique identifier for a grade item.
Note: The final calculated grade and final adjusted grades will be included.
10.7.0 |
Grade Item Name
Name of the grade item.
10.7.0 |
Grade Item Weight
Weight of the grade item.
10.7.0 |
Grade Item Start Date
Date the grade item will become visible in the grade book.
10.7.0 |
Grade Item End Date
Date the grade item will become invisible in the grade book.
10.7.0 |
Points Numerator
Numerator of the grade value.
10.7.0 |
Points Denominator
Denominator of the grade value.
10.7.0 |
Grade Value
Value of the grade with the grade scheme applied.
10.7.0 |
Grade Last Modified
Date that the grade was last modified.
Note: This is a UTC formatted date/time stamp in accordance with the org’s local time zone.
10.7.0 |
Grade Comments
Comments/feedback left for the user.
10.7.0 |
Grader User Id
User Id of the last user that modified the grade.
10.7.0 |
Grader Org Defined Id
Org Defined Id of the last user that modified the grade.
10.7.0 |
Grader Username
Grader's username.
10.7.0 |
Grader First Name
First name of the last user that modified the grade.
10.7.0 |
Grader Last Name
Last name of the last user that modified the grade.
10.7.0 |
Exclude From Final Grade
Whether this grade value is not used in the final grade calculation.
20.20.12 |
Grade Object Type |
Grade object type name. |
Yes |
Returns attendance results from the Attendance tool for each user in a selection of org units.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Attendance (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Role (optional).
- Org Unit ID (required).
- Last Modified Start Date (required).
- Last Modified End Date (required).
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name
Can be null?
20.21.2 |
User Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the user.
20.21.2 |
Org Defined Id
User’s Org Defined Id (often the learner identifier from an SIS system).
20.21.2 |
User’s username.
20.21.2 |
First Name
User’s first name.
20.21.2 |
Last Name
User’s last name.
20.21.2 |
Role Name
User’s role in the specific course offering.
20.21.2 |
Role Id
User’s role Id in the specific course offering.
20.21.2 |
Attendance Register Id |
Unique attendance register identifier. |
No |
20.21.2 |
Attendance Register Name |
The name given to the register. |
No |
20.21.2 |
Attendance Session Id |
Unique identifier for the session. |
No |
20.21.2 |
Attendance Session Name |
The given name of the session. |
No |
20.21.2 |
Scheme Symbol Id |
Unique scheme symbol identifier. |
No |
20.21.2 |
Symbol Name |
The name given to the symbol. |
No |
20.21.2 |
Symbol Value
The value used for the symbol.
20.21.2 |
Percentage |
The score as a percentage that contributes towards the attendance score when a symbol is given.
Field can be null.
Yes |
20.21.2 |
Last Modified |
Date the symbol for the user in the session was last modified (UTC).
Field can be null.
Yes |
20.21.2 |
Course Offering Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the course offering.
20.21.2 |
Course Offering Code
Often the course identifier from an SIS system.
20.21.2 |
Course Offering Name
Name of the course offering.
20.21.2 |
Course Section Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the section.
20.21.2 |
Course Section Code
Client defined code for the section.
20.21.2 |
Course Section Name
Name of the section.
20.21.2 |
Parent Department Name |
Name of the department the course offering is under. |
No |
20.21.2 |
Semester Name |
Name of the semester the course offering is under. |
No |
Awards Issued
Awards Issued data set returns all awards that have been issued and their details for all users over a date range.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Awards Issued (Organization level)
Custom Reporting Framework > Can See DataHub (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required).
Note: This is an org unit's unique identification number that appears in the org unit's web address. All org unit IDs are listed in the Org Unit Editor. All descendants of this org unit are included in the data export.
- Date Range
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the issued date for the award. This field is required before you export this data.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name
Can be null?
20.19.4 |
AwardId |
Identifier of the award |
No |
20.19.4 |
Name |
Name of the award in Brightspace. |
No |
20.19.4 |
Type |
Type of award: certificate or badge. |
No |
20.19.4 |
Credits |
The number of credits associated with the award. |
Yes |
20.19.4 |
UserId |
The identifier of the of the award recipient. |
No |
20.19.4 |
UserName |
The username of the of the award recipient. |
No |
20.19.4 |
FirstName |
The first name of the award recipient. |
No |
20.19.4 |
LastName |
The last name of the of the award recipient. |
No |
20.19.4 |
OrgDefinedId |
The organization-defined identifier to which this award is associated for the award recipient. |
No |
20.19.4 |
IssuedBy |
The identifier of the user who issued the award. |
No |
20.19.4 |
IssuerUserName |
The user name of the user who issued the award. |
No |
20.19.4 |
IssuerFirstName |
The first name of the user who issued the award. |
No |
20.19.4 |
IssuerLastName |
The last name of the user who issued the award. |
No |
20.19.4 |
IssueDate |
The date when the award was issued. |
No |
20.19.4 |
RevokedId |
Indicates if the award has been revoked. |
Yes |
20.19.4 |
Criteria |
Indicates the criteria that must be met to earn the award. |
Yes |
20.19.4 |
Evidence |
Displays the evidence that the criteria for the award was met. |
Yes |
20.19.4 |
ExpiryDate |
Indicates the date when the award expires |
Yes |
20.19.4 |
OrgUnitId |
The organization unit identifier for the org in which the award was issued. |
No |
20.19.4 |
OrgUnitName |
The organization unit name for the org in which the award was issued. |
No |
20.19.4 |
OrgUnitCode |
The organization unit code for the org in which the award was issued. |
No |
Content Progress
Content Progress provides insight on the content viewed by users in a selection of org units during a specified date range. Only active users are included in this report.
This advanced data set is intended to replace the corresponding standard data exports so that all analytics reside in a single tool.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Content Progress (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Role (optional)
Note: Includes all the roles in which the user is enrolled within the course(s)
- Org Unit ID (required)
Note: Includes all content progress in the selected org unit and descendants of the org unit.
- Date Range (required)
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the last visited date.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field name
Can be null?
20.20.11 |
Course Offering ID |
D2L’s unique identifier for the course offering. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Course Offering Code |
Often the course identifier from an SIS system. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Course Offering Name |
Name of the course offering. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Course Section ID |
D2L’s unique identifier for the section. May contain a list if there are multiple sections. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Course Section Code |
Client defined code for the section. May contain a list if there are multiple sections. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Course Section Name |
Name of the section. May contain a list if there are multiple sections. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Semester ID |
Unique identifier for the Semester that the course offering belongs to. May contain a list if there are multiple sections. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Semester Code |
Unique code for the semester that the course offering belongs to. May contain a list if there are multiple sections. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Semester Name |
Semester that the course offering belongs to. May contain a list if there are multiple sections. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
User ID |
D2L’s unique identifier for the user. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
User Name |
User’s username. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Org Defined ID |
User’s Org Defined Id (often the learner identifier from an SIS system). |
No |
20.20.11 |
First Name |
User’s first name. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Last Name |
User’s last name. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Role ID |
User’s role Id at the specific course offering. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Role Name |
User’s role at the specific course offering. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Content Topic ID |
D2L’s unique identifier for the content topic. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Content Topic Name |
Name of the content topic. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Module ID |
Unique identifier of the module. This only displays output from the direct parent. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Module Name |
Name of the module. This only displays output from the direct parent |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Content Topic Visits |
Number of visits the user made to topics in the org. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Total Time Spent |
Time in seconds the user spent in the topics in the org. |
Yes |
20.20.11 |
Last Visited Date |
Last date/time a user accessed the course content. |
No |
Course Learning Outcome Evaluation
The Course Learning Outcome Evaluation (CLOE) data set returns the learner's outcomes for required competencies. Data comes from the Competencies tool, not the Learning Outcomes tool.
Required Config Variable
d2l.Tools.AdvancedDataSets.ProgramOrgUnitTypeId (set the org unit type ID that represents a program for an org)
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute CLOE (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required)
Note: This is an org unit's unique identification number that appears in the org unit's web address. All org unit IDs are listed in the Org Unit Editor. All courses in this org unit are included in the data export.
- Roles Included
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name
Can be null?
10.7.0 |
Program Enrollment
Ancestor of the course template defined in columns (Org Unit ID, Org Unit Name, and Org Unit Code). Where multiple ancestors exist, all ancestors are displayed in the field, using ‘|" as a delimiter. The Org Unit Type to use as the parent is defined as a configuration variable.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Id
Org unit ID used to collect learning outcomes.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Name
Name of the course template used to collect results.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Code
Code of the course template used to collect results.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Type Id
ID of the course template.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Type Name
"Course Template".
10.7.0 |
Outcome Id
ID of the learning objective in the course template.
10.7.0 |
Outcome Type
Learning objective.
10.7.0 |
Outcome Name
Name of the learning objective.
10.7.0 |
Ready For Evaluation
Possible status for learning objectives:
- Ready For Evaluation
- Not Ready For Evaluation
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Id
OU ID for the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Name
Name of the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Code
Code for the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Semester Name
Semester that the course offering belongs to.
10.7.0 |
First Name
First name of the learner.
10.7.0 |
Last Name
Last name of the learner.
10.7.0 |
Learner's username.
10.7.0 |
Org Defined Id
Learner’s org defined ID.
10.7.0 |
User Id
Learner’s unique numeric D2L ID.
10.7.0 |
Role Name
Role name of the learner in the specified org unit.
10.7.0 |
Role Id
D2L ID of the learner's role in the specified org unit.
10.7.0 |
Activity Id
ID of the activity that the outcome is attached to.
10.7.0 |
Activity Type
Type of activity that the outcome is attached to:
- Quiz
- Quiz Question
- Survey
- Dropbox
- Discussion
- Grade Item
- Content
10.7.0 |
Activity Name
Name of the activity, for example, content topic name, dropbox name, quiz name, or quiz question name.
Note: If the activity is a quiz question, then the quiz name must be included too.
10.7.0 |
Assessment Type
Numeric or Rubric (or blank if it is not assessed)
10.7.0 |
Rubric Id
If the outcome is assessed by a rubric, this is the rubric ID.
10.7.0 |
Rubric Name
If the outcome is assessed by a rubric, this is the rubric name.
10.7.0 |
Rubric Measurement
If the outcome is assessed by a rubric, this contains Overall Score or the specific rubric criterion used to measure the outcome.
10.7.0 |
Assessment Threshold
If assessed, contains the threshold considered to be successful attainment.
10.7.0 |
Assessment Threshold Criteria
For numeric assessments, this field contains one of the following operators associated with the threshold:
10.7.0 |
Rubric Level Achieved
If the activity is assessed by a rubric, this is the level that the learner achieved. If the rubric measurement is Overall Score, this is the learner's overall score on the rubric. If the Rubric Measurement is a specific criterion, this is how the learner performed on that criterion.
10.7.0 |
Rubric Points
If the activity is assessed by a rubric, this is the point score that the learner achieved. If the rubric measurement is Overall Score, this is the learner's overall score on the rubric. If the Rubric Measurement is a specific criterion, this is how the learner performed on that criterion.
10.7.0 |
Activity Grade Points
Achieved points value the learner received when the activity is assessed by Grade.
10.7.0 |
Activity Grade Max Points
Total possible points the learner could receive for the activity when the activity is assessed by Grade.
10.7.0 |
Activity Grade Percent
Activity grade as recorded in the grade book.
10.7.0 |
Activity Threshold Achieved
If this outcome is assessed, it is a comparison of the assessment threshold to the learner results.
- 1 = Yes
- 0 = No
- Null = not assessed
Course Offering Enrollments
Returns the course offerings within which a user is enrolled, including both explicit and implicit enrollments.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can Execute Course Offering Enrollments (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit IDs (required)
- Start Date and End Date (required)
Note: Date filters are based on enrollment date. For example, if a learner enrolls in a course offering on January 1 and is still enrolled on February 15, then running this ADS with a date range of February 1 to February 28 would not include that learner.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name |
Description |
Can be null? |
20.21.1 |
User Id |
Internal numeric user identifier within Brightspace. |
No |
20.21.1 |
Org Unit Id |
Unique org unit identifier for the course offering. |
No |
20.21.1 |
Role Id |
The learner's numeric role Id within the course offering. |
No |
20.21.1 |
Enrollment Date |
The date of the learner's enrollment. |
No |
20.21.1 |
Enrollment Type |
The type of enrollment. |
Yes |
CPD Job Targets
This Advanced Data Set only appears in Data Hub for new customers who have purchased the Continuous Professional Development Tool as part of the D2L for Associations Package.
Required Permission
Available Filters
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name |
Description |
Can be null? |
20.24.6 |
JobTitle |
20.24.6 |
StartDate |
20.24.6 |
SubjectId |
20.24.6 |
SubjectName |
20.24.6 |
StructuredMinutes |
20.24.6 |
UnstructuredMinutes |
20.24.6 |
StructuredRecordCount |
20.24.6 |
UnstructuredRecordCount |
CPD Records
This Advanced Data Set only appears in Data Hub for new customers who have purchased the Continuous Professional Development Tool as part of the D2L for Associations Package.
Required Permission
Available Filters
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name |
Description |
Can be null? |
20.24.6 |
UserId |
20.24.6 |
RecordId |
20.24.6 |
RecordName |
20.24.6 |
Credits (in minutes) |
20.24.6 |
Date Completed |
20.24.6 |
Subject |
20.24.6 |
Type |
20.24.6 |
Method |
20.24.6 |
Grade |
20.24.6 |
Evidence |
20.24.6 |
Answer(1...N) |
20.24.6 |
State |
CPD User Targets
This Advanced Data Set only appears in Data Hub for new customers who have purchased the Continuous Professional Development Tool as part of the D2L for Associations Package.
Required Permission
Available Filters
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name |
Description |
Can be null? |
20.24.6 |
UserId |
20.24.6 |
StartDate |
20.24.6 |
SubjectId |
20.24.6 |
SubjectName |
20.24.6 |
StructuredMinutes |
20.24.6 |
UnstructuredMinutes |
20.24.6 |
StructuredRecordCount |
20.24.6 |
UnstructuredRecordCount |
Enrollments and Withdrawals
Returns explicit enrollment status for all users in an org unit.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can Execute Enrollments And Withdrawals (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required for one time runs; optional in the API)
Note: This is an org unit's unique identification number that appears in the org unit's web address. All org unit IDs are listed in the Org Unit Editor. All descendants of this org unit are included in the report.
- Date Range (required)
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the enrollment or unenrollment date.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name
Can be null?
10.7.0 |
Log Id
Log entry's unique identification number.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Id
Org unit's unique identification number.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Name
Name of the org unit.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Code
Code of the org unit.
10.7.0 |
Org Unit Type
Type of org unit.
10.7.0 |
User Id
User’s unique numeric D2L ID.
10.7.0 |
First Name
User's first name.
10.7.0 |
Last Name
User's last name.
10.7.0 |
User's username.
10.7.0 |
Org Defined Id
User's org defined ID.
10.7.0 |
Role Id
D2L ID of the user's role in the specified org unit.
10.7.0 |
Role Name
Role name of the user in the specified org unit.
10.7.0 |
Log Event Type
Status of the user's enrollment or withdrawal.
10.7.0 |
Log Date
Date of the user's enrollment or withdrawal.
Final Grades
Returns final grades for all users in course offerings.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can Execute Final Grades (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Date Range
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the last modified date for the final grade.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name
Can be null?
10.7.0 |
User Id
User's unique numeric D2L ID.
10.7.0 |
Org Defined Id
User's org defined ID.
10.7.0 |
User's username.
10.7.0 |
First Name
User's first name.
10.7.0 |
Last Name
User's last name.
10.7.0 |
Role Id
D2L ID of the user's role in the specified org unit.
10.7.0 |
Role Name
Role name of the user in the specified org unit.
10.7.0 |
Semester Id
Unique semester numeric identifier in Brightspace.
If a course is not associated with a semester, the value is NULL.
10.7.0 |
Semester Name
Semester name associated with the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Semester Code
Semester code associated with the course offering.
The semester is the organization unit type as defined by the Standard Semester in Brightspace.
If a semester is not associated as a direct parent of the course offering being exported, the value is NULL.
If a course offering is associated with multiple semesters, these are exported as a pipe-delimited list of strings.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Code
Often the course identifier from an SIS system.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Name
Name of the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Section Name
Name of the course section.
10.7.0 |
Final Calculated Grade (Percentage)
Final calculated grade as a percentage.
10.7.0 |
Final Calculated Grade Last Modified Date
Last modified date for the final calculated grade.
10.7.0 |
Final Adjusted Grade (Percentage)
Final adjusted grade as a percentage.
10.7.0 |
Final Adjusted Last Modified Date
Last modified date for the final adjusted grade.
10.7.0 |
Final Adjusted Comments
Comments for the final adjusted grade.
10.7.0 |
Final Adjusted Grade Is Released?
Indicates if the final adjusted grade is released.
10.7.0 |
Final Adjusted Last Modified By
User that last modified the final adjusted grade.
Impersonated Session History
The Impersonated Session History data set returns all impersonated sessions for a specific user or all users over a date range, including D2LSupport.
Note: The course offerings must be children of a given parent org unit.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can Execute Impersonation Session History (Organization level)
Available Filters
- User ID (optional)
- Date Range Start and End dates are required before exporting the data set, and the range cannot exceed the last 2 calendar years.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Column Size
10.8.5 |
Unique session identifier
10.8.5 |
Unique user identifier.
10.8.5 |
Username of the impersonated user
10.8.5 |
Session start date time (UTC)
10.8.5 |
Session end date time (UTC)
10.8.5 |
ImpersonatingUser Id |
Unique user identifier of the impersonator.
10.8.5 |
ImpersonatingUsername |
Impersonator’s username. |
Instructor Usage
The Instructor Usage data set returns information about how instructors are using Brightspace functionality within their courses.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Instructor Usage (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required)
Note: This is an org unit's unique identification number that appears in the org unit's web address. All org unit IDs are listed in the Org Unit Editor. All courses in this org unit are included in the data export.
- Roles Included (required)
- Date Range
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the last accessed date. The report includes users whose last accessed date is null (because they have not logged in to Brightspace).
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field Name
Can be null?
10.7.0 |
Instructor’s username.
10.7.0 |
First Name
Instructor’s first name.
10.7.0 |
Last Name
Instructor’s last name.
10.7.0 |
Org Defined Id
Instructor’s Org Defined Id (often the learner identifier from an SIS system).
10.7.0 |
User Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the instructor.
10.7.0 |
Role Name
Instructor’s role at the specific course offering.
10.7.0 |
Role Id
Instructor’s role Id at the specific course offering.
10.7.0 |
Is Active
Instructor's status.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Name
Name of the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Code
Often the course identifier from an SIS system.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Id
D2L’s unique identifier for the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Number of Content Topics Visited
Number of content topics the instructor visited in the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Last Access to Course Offering Content
Last date/time the instructor accessed content within the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Number of Assignments
Number of assignments in the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Number of Assignment Submissions Commented on
Number of assignment submissions the instructor commented on in the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Number of Grade Items
Number of grade items in the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Number of Graded Grade Items
Number of grade items the instructor graded in the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Last Modification of a Grade Item
Last date/time a grade item in the course was modified by the instructor.
10.7.0 |
Number of Discussion Posts
Number of discussion posts in the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Number of Discussion Posts Authored
Number of discussion posts the instructor authored in the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Last Discussion Post Date
Date/time the instructor last posted a discussion in the course.
10.7.0 |
Last Access to Course Offering
Last date/time (UTC format) the instructor accessed the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Number of Logins to the System
Number of times the instructor accessed Brightspace.
10.7.0 |
Last Sent Mail Date
Last date/time the instructor sent an email from within the course offering.
Learner Usage
The Learner Usage data set returns the activity for learners in course offerings. The course offerings must be children of the selected org unit. The learners that are included depend on the date range selected (see note).
About Time Tracking
The time tracking in this report does not align with the SCORM Detailed Report. If a user opens a SCORM package in a new window, the Total Time Spent in the SCORM Detailed Report will be substantially higher because Learner Usage doesn't track that time. If a user opens a SCORM package in embed mode, the Total Time Spent in the SCORM Detailed Report will be slightly lower because it only tracks the time users spend interacting with the SCORM Object, whereas Learner Usage Report tracks the entire session.
About SCORM Dates
If a user clicks on a legacy SCORM topic it will be marked as completed, even if the user has not progressed through the entire topic and has a SCORM Report showing incomplete. This means that a user who visits a legacy SCORM topic will get both a Last SCORM Visit Date and a Last SCORM Completion Date
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Learner Usage (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required)
Note: This is an org unit's unique identification number that appears in the org unit's web address. All org unit IDs are listed in the Org Unit Editor. All courses in this org unit are included in the data export.
- Roles Included
- Date Range
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the last visited date. The report includes users whose last accessed date is null (because they have not logged in to Brightspace). Discussion topics that are marked as Hidden before start date, or Hidden after end date are included in the Content Completed and Content Required columns. This update was introduced in the September 2021/20.21.9 release.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field name
Can be null?
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Id
Unique course offering numeric identifier in Brightspace.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Code
Course offering string code.
10.7.0 |
Course Offering Name
Course offering string name.
10.7.0 |
Parent Department Name
Org unit name of the parent department.
10.7.0 |
Parent Department Code
Org unit code of the parent department.
10.7.0 |
Semester Id
Unique semester numeric identifier in Brightspace.
If a course is not associated with a semester, the value is NULL.
10.7.0 |
Semester Code
Semester code associated with the course offering.
The semester is the organization unit type as defined by the Standard Semester in Brightspace.
If a semester is not associated as a direct parent of the course offering being exported, the value is NULL.
If a course offering is associated with multiple semesters, these are exported as a pipe-delimited list of strings.
10.7.0 |
Semester Name
Semester name associated with the course offering.
10.7.0 |
User Id
Internal numeric user identifier within Brightspace.
10.7.0 |
User name that identifies the learner.
10.7.0 |
Org Defined Id
Organization-defined identifier within Brightspace for the learner.
10.7.0 |
First Name
First name.
10.7.0 |
Last Name
Last name.
10.7.0 |
Is Active
Learner's status.
10.7.0 |
Role Id
The learner's numeric role ID within the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Role Name
A string identifying the learner's role within the course offering such as Learner.
10.7.0 |
Content Completed
Number of content topics completed by the learner.
Refer to Note: Calculating Content Completed.
10.7.0 |
Content Required
Number of content topics required by the learner (for user progress).
Refer to Note: Calculating Content Required.
10.7.0 |
Checklist Completed
Number of checklists completed by the learner.
10.7.0 |
Quiz Completed
The total number of unique quizzes the user has attempted and completed. This does not include quizzes that are in progress.
10.7.0 |
Total Quiz Attempts
The total number of quiz attempts the user has attempted and completed. This does not include quiz attempts that are in progress.
10.7.0 |
Discussion Post Created
Number of discussion posts created by the learner.
10.7.0 |
Discussion Post Replies
Number of discussion replies by the learner.
10.7.0 |
Discussion Post Read
Number of discussion posts read by the learner.
10.7.0 |
Last Discussion Post Date
Date the user last posted to a discussion.
If the user has not posted in any discussion, this field is NULL.
10.7.0 |
Number Of Assignment Submissions
Number of times the learner submitted an item to assignments within the course offering.
10.7.0 |
Last Assignment Submission Date
Date/time the learner’s last submission/post into an assignment.
10.7.0 |
Total Time Spent In Content
Sum of all the time spent in course content, measured in seconds.
If the learner has not visited any of the content in this course, this field is ZERO.
If the learner has multiple instances or tabs open with the same content, this tracks each instance as a separate session, and as a result, substantially increases total time spent.
10.7.0 |
Last Visited Date
Most recent visit date/time for the course.
If the course has not been visited by the learner, this field is NULL.
10.7.0 |
Last System Login
Date/time the learner last logged in to Brightspace.
10.7.0 |
Number Of Logins To The System
Total number of times the learner logged in to Brightspace.
10.7.0 |
Auditor Name
Username of the user who is assigned as the auditor for this learner.
Last Quiz Attempt Date |
Date the learner last attempted and completed a quiz. |
Yes |
20.21.7 |
Last Scorm Completion Date |
Date the learner last completed a SCORM object. |
Yes |
20.21.7 |
Last Scorm Visit Date |
Date the learner last launched or interacted with a SCORM object. |
Yes |
Note: Calculating Content Required
The number in the Content Required column is calculated by first counting all topics in the course offering, then subtracting topics for each learner if they meet any of the following criteria:
The topic's completion method is Optional.
The topic's visibility status is Hidden.
The learner hasn't met release conditions for the topic.
The assignment or quiz topic has been restricted to specific people and the learner doesn't have access.
Any of the parent modules in the hierarchy above the topic has a visibility status of Hidden.
The parent forum of a discussion topic has a visibility status of Hidden.
The discussion topic has been restricted to a group that doesn't include the learner.
The discussion topic or forum has availability date(s) that are outside the current date and is marked 'Hidden before start' or 'Hidden after end'.
The assignment topic is a group assignment and the learner isn't a member of any group associated with the assignment.
The assignment topic has availability date(s) that are outside the current date and is marked 'Hidden before start' or 'Hidden after end'.
The learner doesn't have permission to use the tool associated with the content topic.
The learner is exempt from the topic.
The topic is a broken link.
The topic is a shared LTI link and the link is no longer shared.
The topic is deleted.
Note: Calculating Content Completed
The number in the Content Completed column is calculated using the same method as Content Required, but only counts the topics that the learner has completed.
Program Level Outcomes Evaluation (PLOE)
The PLOE data set provides a list of competencies and learning objectives related to the org unit selected and provides insight into outcome achievement across multiple courses within a program. Data comes from the Competencies tool, not the Learning Outcomes tool.
Required Config Variable
d2l.Tools.AdvancedDataSets.ProgramOrgUnitTypeId (set the org unit type ID that represents a program for an org)
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute PLOE (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required)
Note: This is an org unit's unique identification number that appears in the org unit's web address. All org unit IDs are listed in the Org Unit Editor. All descendants of course offerings will be included.
- Achievement Start Date and Achievement End Date
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the achievement date. If start date and end dates are defined, only records within the range are returned. If a start or end date is specified, records with no achievement date are not returned. If no date range is selected, the data set includes all historical rubric assessments but does not include those with a null date.
- Include all eligible learners that do not meet the competency outcomes criteria to date
Note: When this checkbox is enabled, your results include both learners who have not achieved the required competencies, and learners who have. The checkbox is enabled by default.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field name
Can be null?
20.20.10 |
OrgUnitId |
The org unit for which we want to collect results |
No |
20.20.10 |
OrgUnitName |
The name of the org unit |
No |
20.20.10 |
OrgUnitCode |
The code of the org unit |
No |
20.20.10 |
Program |
The program is a custom org unit type, with the filter parameter passed in. There should be one line per program. |
Yes |
20.20.10 |
OutcomeId |
Identifier of the competency or learning outcome |
No |
20.20.10 |
OutcomeType |
Type of outcome. Options are Competency or Learning Objective |
No |
20.20.10 |
OutcomeName |
Name of the outcome |
No |
20.20.10 |
OutcomeStatus |
Status of the outcome
- Competency status options are Draft, In Review, Approved, or Archived
- Learning Objective options are Ready for evaluation or Not ready for evaluation
No |
20.20.10 |
FirstName |
First name of the learner being assessed by the outcome |
No |
20.20.10 |
LastName |
Last name of the learner being assessed by the outcome |
No |
20.20.10 |
UserName |
Username of the learner being assessed by the outcome |
No |
20.20.10 |
OrgDefinedId |
Identifier of the learner defined by the org unit |
No |
20.20.10 |
UserId |
Numeric identifier of the learner |
No |
20.20.10 |
RoleName |
Name of the user's role in the org unit |
No |
20.20.10 |
RoleId |
Identifier of the user's role in the org unit |
No |
20.20.10 |
IsAchieved |
Indicates if the outcome is achieved. 1=Achieved, 0=Not achieved, Null=not assessed |
Yes |
20.20.10 |
AchievementDateTime |
Indicates the date and time the achievement was accomplished |
No |
Rubric Assessments
The Rubric Assessments data set provides insight on how rubrics are used, the assessments they are used against, and the scoring for all individual learner assessments.
Note: This data set only reports on fully assessed rubrics. For rubrics using a Text Only scoring method, there must be an Overall Score provided for the rubric to be considered fully assessed and to show in the report.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Rubric Assessments (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Org Unit ID (required)
Note: All rubric assessments in descendant course offerings are included in the data set.
- Date Range
Note: The date range you select includes records based on the last accessed date. If no date range is selected, the data set includes all historical rubric assessments, plus those with a null assessment date.
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field name
Can be null?
20.20.8 |
Course Org Unit Id
Unique identifier for the course offering.
20.20.8 |
Course Name
Name of the course offering.
20.20.8 |
Course Code
Course offering code.
20.20.8 |
Parent Department Name
Parent department org unit name of the course offering. This may contain multiple values.
20.20.8 |
Parent Semester Name
Parent semester org unit name of the course offering. This may contain multiple values.
20.20.8 |
Parent Course Template Name
Parent course template name of the course offering. This may contain multiple values.
20.20.8 |
Course Section Id
Unique identifier of the user's section within the course.
20.20.8 |
Course Section Name
Name of the section the user is in.
20.20.8 |
Course Section Code
Code of the section the user is in.
20.20.8 |
Rubric Id
Unique identifier of the rubric.
20.20.8 |
Rubric Name
Name of the rubric.
20.20.8 |
Activity Id
Unique identifier of the activity the rubric is associated with.
20.20.8 |
Activity Type
Tool type in which the activity is represented.
20.20.8 |
Activity Name
Name of the activity that the rubric was used for.
20.20.8 |
User Id
Unique identifier of the user.
20.20.8 |
First Name
First name of the user.
20.20.8 |
Last Name
Last name of the user.
20.20.8 |
Username of the user.
20.20.8 |
Org Defined Id
Org defined Id of the user.
20.20.8 |
Role Id
Unique role identifier.
20.20.8 |
Role Name
Name of the role assigned to the user.
20.20.8 |
Criterion Id
Unique identifier of the rubric criterion.
20.20.8 |
Name of the rubric criterion.
20.20.8 |
Level that the user obtained on the criterion.
20.20.8 |
Number of points that the user scored on the criterion.
20.20.8 |
Overall Level Achieved |
Overall level achieved by the user on the rubric. |
Yes |
20.20.8 |
Is Score Overridden |
Indicates if the score is overridden by instructor. |
No |
20.20.8 |
Evaluation Date
Date that the criterion was last assessed for the user.
20.20.8 |
Assessor User Id
Unique identifier of the user who completed the rubric assessment.
20.20.8 |
Assessor First Name
First name of the assessor.
20.20.8 |
Assessor Last Name
Last name of the assessor.
20.20.8 |
Assessor Username
Username of the assessor.
20.20.8 |
Assessor Org Defined Id
Org defined Id of the assessor.
Survey Results
The Survey Results advanced data set provides detailed information on the surveys available in the organization.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Survey Results (Organization level)
Available Filters
- Role (optional)
- Org Unit ID (required)
- Date Range (required)
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field name
Can be null?
20.20.12 |
Survey Id
Unique survey identifier.
20.20.12 |
Survey Name
Name of the survey. |
No |
20.20.12 |
Attempt Id
Unique attempt identifier. |
No |
20.20.12 |
Active Status
Indicates if the survey is active or not. |
No |
20.20.12 |
Course Offering Id
D2L's unique identifier for the course offering. |
No |
20.20.12 |
Course Offering Code
Often the course identifier from an SIS system. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Course Offering Name
Name of the course offering. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Parent Department Name
Name of department. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Parent Department Code
Department code. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Respondent User Id
Unique user identifier. Null if survey is anonymous. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Respondent Username
User's username. If survey is anonymous, username is "anonymous". |
No |
20.20.12 |
Respondent First Name
User's first name. Null if survey is anonymous. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Respondent Last Name
User's last name. Null if survey is anonymous. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Category Name
Category Name for the survey. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Submission Date
Date survey was submitted. |
No |
20.20.12 |
Question Number
Unique survey question identifier. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Survey question. |
Yes |
20.20.12 |
Survey answer. |
Yes |
Terms & Conditions - Activity Report
Returns the most recent accept or decline responses of the Terms and Conditions for each user. This Advanced Data Set only appears in Data Hub if the Terms and Conditions tool is enabled.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Terms and Conditions (Organization level)
Available Filters
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field name
Can be null?
20.21.3 |
User Id
D2L's unique identifier for the user.
20.21.3 |
Org Defined Id
Learner's org defined ID. |
Yes |
20.21.3 |
Username |
Learner's username. |
No |
20.21.3 |
First Name |
First name of the learner. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Last Name |
Last name of the learner. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Is Active |
Learner's status. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Date |
Date the Terms and Conditions were accepted or declined. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Has Accepted |
True or false response for the Learner. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Version Comments |
Any comments associated with the version. |
Yes |
20.21.3 |
Title |
Title of the terms and conditions. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Version Id |
Version identifier for the Terms and Conditions. |
No |
Terms & Conditions - Version History Report
Returns the version history for the Terms and Conditions. This Advanced Data Set only appears in Data Hub if the Terms and Conditions tool is enabled.
Required Permission
Advanced Data Sets > Can execute Terms and Conditions (Organization level)
Available Filters: None
Returned Fields
Version Added
Field name
Can be null?
20.21.3 |
Version Id
Version identifier for the Terms and Conditions. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Org Id
Unique identifier of the org where the Terms and Conditions are implemented. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Language |
Language of the Terms and Conditions. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Title |
Title of the Terms and Conditions. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Terms and Conditions |
Contents of the Terms and Conditions. This field is restricted to 1000 characters. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Comments |
Any comments associated with the Terms and Conditions. |
Yes |
20.21.3 |
Version Created Date |
Date the Terms and Conditions were created. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Version Created By Id |
ID of the user who created the Terms and Conditions.
No |
20.21.3 |
Version Created By First Name |
First name of the user who created the Terms and Conditions. |
No |
20.21.3 |
Version Created By Last Name |
Last name of the user who created the Terms and Conditions. |
No |