Property Name |
Description |
Possible Values |
Sets the color of the progress bar based on the provided color code. |
Six-digit hex code color in a string format of “#FFFFFF” (including the double quotes)
Default: “#006FBF”
Note: This value is overridden if the coloredBar property is True.
Sets the color of the module title header based on the provided color code. |
Six-digit hex code color in a string format of “#FFFFFF” (including the double quotes)
Default: “#006FBF”
The filename of the default tile image.
String, surrounded in quotes, matching the file name. For example, “tile-img.jpg”
Default: “”
To set a custom image for either the course offering or organization, use the following value: "tile-img-default-none"
Note: The file needs to be in the “/custom_widgets/visual_toc/img” folder in Public Files or the Manage Files area of the current course, depending on which configuration you are modifying.
Modules that have the given text in their title will not be displayed by the widget.
String, surrounded in quotes, matching the part of a module’s name. For example, “***”.
Every module with “***” in its title is ignored.
Default: “***”
Sets the color for the progress bar with the ability to have different colors based on the completion percentage of a module. |
JSON Object with 4 parameters for “0”, “25”, “50, and “75”. Each parameter’s value is a six-digit hex code color in a string format of “#FFFFFF” (including the double quotes)
{"0": "#F15A59", "25": "#FFCF1D", "50": "#0AA799", "75": "#00A5D9"}
This will show red from 0-24% progress, yellow from 25%-49%, light blue from 50%-74%, then finally blue at 75% or greater.
Determines if the colors defined in BarColors are used instead of the color set for AccentHexCode. |
Default: True
Determines if the overview button is displayed on the module tiles. When clicked, the tile flips over, and the module’s overview (if provided) is displayed. |
Default: true
Determines if the progress bar is displayed. |
Default: True>
Determines the location where the text module link in the course tile navigates. |
Default: False
To set the text module link in the course tile to navigate to the root module within the table of contents, set the variable to True.
To set the text module link in the course tile to navigate to the sub-module, set the variable to False.