About Lumi Chat
Lumi Chat is an in-line help tool that is integrated into the LMS through JavaScript. It is the first point of contact for end users to ask product questions directly within Brightspace and receive persona-specific documentation from Brightspace Community. The tool appears as a pop-up from the speech bubble button in the…
Accessing help with Lumi Chat
Lumi Chat appears on the login page for your organization, but you must log in to Brightspace before you can access its full functionality. It is recommended to display contact information for available support resources if users experience Brightspace authentication issues. Note: For organizations where users access…
Configuring Lumi Chat
Lumi Chat is available to subscribers of D2L End User Support Lite only. To enable Lumi Chat for your organization, contact your EUS Manager. If you do not currently subscribe to EUS and are interested in the Lumi Chat, contact your D2L Account Team for more information on the EUS packages. Customize Lumi Chat EUS clients…