Use Standards to associate course content with learning expectations and to add value to your learners' coursework.

- Learning Standards must be enabled and set up for your organization to see standards options in Content.
- The name of the Learning Outcomes tool and some menu items and links therein depend on the language term defined by your organization. Based on that setting, the Standards link in Content might be labeled Competencies, Expectations, Objectives, or Learning Outcomes.
Add standards to content topics
Add standards while creating new content topic types including:
- Assignments
- Discussions
- Pages
- Uploaded files (such as PDF documents)
- Weblinks
- LOR and SCORM Packages
- Media (audio and video) files
To add standards to content topics
- From Content, click Create New and choose a content topic type that supports standards alignment.
- On the New [content type] page, enter the details in the relevant fields, then click Standards.

Figure: Click the Standards link that appears on the new content type page to align standards to your content.
- Select the check boxes for the standards that align to your content topic.
- Click Save.
Edit standards alignment for a course
- From the content area, select a unit or an item of course material.
- From the (...) Options menu, select View Standards.
- Click Edit Standards Alignments and select check boxes for the standards that align to your content topic.
- Click Save Changes.
- Click X to exit the standards information for the content topic.
You have edited standards alignment for a course.
Video: Edit Course Standards Alignment
Identify gaps in course standards
To identify gaps in standards
- Navigate to Content.
- Click Standards.

Figure: Click the Standards option in Content to view the Standards Coverage page.
- Select the Display only standards which have no course material check box.

Figure: Click the Display only standards which have no course material check box in Standards Coverage.
- Determine if any standards are not linked to course materials.
- Close the dialog and select a unit from the table of contents.
- From the Options (...) menu, select View Standards.

Figure: Click the View Standards option in the Options (...) menu.
- Click Edit Standards Alignments.

Figure: Click Edit Standards Alignment.
- Click the check boxes of any of the available standards to associate them with material from the selected unit.
- Click Save Changes.
- Click X to exit standards information.
You have associated course content with your Standards.
Video: Locate Gaps in Course Standards