About Brightspace Learning Object Repository
Brightspace Learning Object Repository (LOR) is an online library for storing, managing, and sharing your learning objects. A learning object can be a quiz, presentation, image, video, or any other kind of document or file you use to create course content and learning materials for online learning. When you publish your…
Retrieve learning objects
Once learning objects are in Brightspace Learning Repository, there are multiple ways to retrieve them for use in course offerings. * Adding the learning object to Content or Course Builder by importing it or creating a link from Brightspace Learning Repository. * Import the files of the learning object to Manage Files. *…
Browse the Brightspace Learning Repository
The Brightspace Learning Object Repository (LOR) allows you to browse a directory of learning objects that are organized according to IEEE LOM Classification Taxonomy fields. The classification organizes objects according to a hierarchical or tree structure. Individual learning objects in the tree are nodes, and the path…
Publish (add) objects to Brightspace Learning Repository
You can publish (add) learning objects from various tools in Brightspace to the Brightspace Learning Repository (LOR). A learning object can be a quiz, presentation, image, video, or any other kind of document or file you use to create course content and learning materials for online learning. Publish objects from…
Manage learning objects and collections
Edit properties of a learning object Once a learning object is in a learning repository, you can edit any of the following attributes: * Which repository it resides in * Status (unassigned, approved, archived, draft, or in review) * Visibility to other users * External availability * Creative Commons license rights *…
Review learning objects
Add reviews to a learning object On the navbar, click LOR. Locate the learning object for which you want to add a review. From the context menu of the learning object you want to review, click Add Review. In the Rating area, give the learning object a starred rating. In the Comment area, enter a comment. Click Save Review…
RSS feeds in Brightspace Learning Repository
Repository RSS feeds Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds provide notification support for workflow updates in local and harvested repositories. RSS feeds save time for users that manage learning object repositories and support efficient workflows. For example, content control specialists receive immediate notification of…