The Mastery View displays evaluated outcomes as the columns of the table and the learners enrolled in the course as the rows of the table. Search for specific learners using the search field and sort the learner list alphabetically and reverse-alphabetically by first or last name.
The column header provides the code (notation) of the outcome, if available, and a truncated statement of the outcome description. Below the outcome description in the column header there is a histogram display of learner evaluations related to this outcome grouped by levels of the achievement scale. Hovering over this histogram provides a tooltip with details of the learner evaluations.

Figure: Use the tooltip to view the details of learner evaluations for the histogram.
The cells in the table view of this page contain information about the evaluation details for each learner. The suggested level of overall achievement displayed in the cell by the level name is determined by the selected calculation method. The color coding of each cell is based on the color assigned to the level of the scale corresponding to the suggested overall level of achievement.
The aligned activity counter shows the number of evaluated assessments for each learner over the total number of assessments aligned to that outcome in the corner of each table cell.

Note: Portfolio evidence is included in the detail view trend line and history, but the counter does not include Portfolio evidence. The overall suggested level of achievement reflects Portfolio evidence evaluations. |

Figure: Use Mastery View to view columns of evaluated activities.
The white cells indicate outcomes which have aligned assessment activities but for which no evaluations have been completed. As soon as the first evaluations are completed, that cell displays the suggested level of achievement based upon those evaluation results.

Figure: Use the white cells to view which outcomes have aligned assessment activities but no evaluations completed.

Note: Mastery View displays inactive users because Mastery View is based on enrollment in a course. Mastery View does not show users based on their active or inactive status. |
Within each achievement cell, there are several indicators of the status of the learner’s progress toward the achievement, including:
- An Overall level of achievement (suggested or manually overridden)
- An Activity counter that shows the number of evaluated assessments for each learner over the total number of assessments aligned to that outcome
- A manual override indicator in the form of an asterisk beside the overall achievement label.
- Out of Date icon (if newer evaluations have been made since a manual override was recorded or feedback is added)
- Published/Not published icons to indicate the visibility status to the learner

Figure: An overview of the achievement cell.
Note: The denominator value of the activity counter initially shows the number of assessment activities in the course which have been aligned for evaluation with the individual outcome. The aligned activity counter does not include Brightspace Portfolio evidence artifacts that the instructor associates with course outcomes as the artifact is evaluated. These items are displayed on the detail view, reflected in the evaluation trend line and included in the calculation of overall achievement.