You can use the Single Profile Widget to showcase your photo, share social media details, and write other important biographical information.

Important: The Single Profile Widget is a widget included with the Homepage Widget Expansion Pack. This widget is intended for instructors who may not otherwise have the permissions to modify course homepages. Editors can change the content of each field from the homepage itself; fields that are empty do not display in the widget. To use this widget, you must ask your Administrator to assign you the Upload Files > See the File Listing and Manage Files > Upload Files permissions at the Org Unit level. Refer to Manage Files permissions for details. Also, refer to Add widgets to your homepage.
Configure the Single Profile Widget
You can edit the Single Profile Widget to change profile information, bio, social media credentials, background colors, and more.
To configure the Single Profile Widget
- From your course homepage, locate the Single Profile Widget.
- Click Actions for Single Profile Widget (arrow icon) and select Configure this widget. The widget changes to an editable state where you can edit information.

Figure: Edit the Single Profile Widget. Note the character limit for text fields.
- Enter text to update the Heading, Display Name, About Me, Biography, Facebook, or X fields. Character limits are indicated by the number / number over the text field (for example, 8/32) and automatically update as you type.
- To change your profile image click the upload icon to upload a new image, or click the delete icon to remove an image.
- To change the background color of the widget, click the Change background color icon (paint bucket) and do the following:
- From the Select a Color dialog, click to select a color.
- Click and drag the slider to adjust the brightness of the color. This is indicated by a percentage value. Alternatively, enter a HEX color code.

Figure: Use the Select a Color dialog to change the background color of the widget. - Click Save to change the color.
- When you have completed configuring the widget, click Save.
Your Single Profile Widget configuration is saved.