You can associate content, including LTI and SCORM objects, with learning objectives directly from the Content tool.
Note: You must have existing learning objectives in the Competencies tool before you can create these associations. Refer to Create a learning objective for more information.
Add or edit a learning objective to a content topic in the New Content Experience (Lessons)
You can add a learning objective to a content topic in the New Content Experience (Lessons).
Note: Your administrator can turn the New Content Experience ON or OFF for all courses at the org level. However, your administrator can also assign your role the ability to switch between content experiences from your course. Refer to Content experiences to learn more about the differences between the Classic Content Experience and the New Content Experience. Contact your administrator for more information about turning on the New Content Experience.
To add a learning objective to a content topic
- Open the course in which you want to add a learning objective to a topic.
- On the navbar, click Content.
- On the Table of Contents pane, click the topic you want to associate with a learning objective.
- Click the Options icon (...), and select Edit.

Figure: Click Options to edit your selected topic.
- In the collapsible Feedback panel, click Manage Learning Objectives.
- Do one of the following:
- Click Associate Learning Objectives, locate the learning objective you want to add, and click Add Selected.
- Click the More menu on the right side of an existing objective, and click Edit Learning Objective or Remove Learning Objective.
- Click Close.