To use the Restricted File Extensions feature, the d2l.Tools.Dropbox.RestrictFileExtensions configuration variable must be ON. When the configuration variable is enabled, in the Submission and Completion accordion, you can see options to restrict file extensions on submissions for the assignment.
The Allowable Filetypes field provides options for restricting certain types of files that learners can submit for the assignment. Options in the drop-down menu include:
- Annotatable files, which include all file types that are supported by the Annotation tool in Assignments. For the full list of file types, refer to Supported file types for annotating submissions.
- .PDF only
- Files that can be previewed without any conversion, such as .HTM, .HTML, .MHT, .MHTML, and .BMP
- Images and videos
- Custom filetypes
If you select Custom File Extensions, you can then enter file extensions that are allowed for file submissions.

Figure: Click the Custom filetypes field to customize allowable assignment file submissions.
When file type restrictions are used on an assignment, the list of allowable file types are listed in the Submit Assignment section.

Figure: The Submit Assignment section shows learners the allowable file types for their assignment submission.
When a learner attempts to upload a file submission for an assignment of a file extension type that the you restricted, an error message appears.

Figure: An alert message appears when a restricted file type is attempting to upload.