About Competencies
Competencies help track information about the knowledge, skills, and abilities learners acquire as they participate in courses or other learning experiences. Competencies are an inventory of skills and knowledge rather than measures of how good learners are at something. Other vocabulary used to describe competencies can…
Manage Competencies
Use the Competencies tool to create competency structures that help you assess users' learning outcomes and determine if they have acquired the intended knowledge, skills, and abilities from a learning experience. The transparency and accountability of competency structures have an advantage over traditional grading…
Create a learning objective
Use learning objectives to represent the things that a person needs to learn to acquire a competency or become competent in each domain. To create a learning objective On the navbar, click Competencies. On the Competency Home page, from the New button, click Learning Objective. Figure: Use the New Learning Objective page…
Add a learning objective to a content topic
You can associate content, including LTI and SCORM objects, with learning objectives directly from the Content tool. Note: You must have existing learning objectives in the Competencies tool before you can create these associations. Refer to Create a learning objective for more information. Add or edit a learning objective…