The Grade book Mastery View is an additional page of the Grades tool that provides an overall suggested level of achievement for each outcome and each learner within a course based upon a selected calculation method. The overall level of achievement can be automatically suggested or manually evaluated. In addition, instructors can turn off the overall achievement suggestions to manually evaluate levels of achievement or can override suggested levels of achievement to apply their personal judgment.
The view provides background information to facilitate discussions with learners. It provides a single overview of class performance related to outcome comprehension and mastery of topics. The overview can also be a tool to share with learners in the class, or it can be hidden from learner view and used only by instructors.

Note: The Language Management tool supports the Mastery View tab. Administrators can update the language terms in the Grade Book Mastery View to better reflect a more appropriate feature title that can coordinate with selected terminology of their Learning Outcomes tool, such as Expectations View or Standards View. In addition, this support enables clients to remove the word Mastery, which can be contrary to the inclusive language initiatives within their institution. To make this change, in the Language Management configuration file, update the Web Components tool package > d2l-outcomes\d2l-outcomes collection > OutcomesShared:MasteryView term to your preferred word. |
The Mastery View does not affect any of the functionality of the Grades view. It does provide an alternative view of learner achievements in the course. The evaluation data collected and summarized in the Mastery View does not impact the instructor evaluation workflow if learning outcomes are currently aligned to the assessments and being evaluated. Mastery view displays that same set of evaluation data in a different way. The classic Grades View displays graded assessment activities as the columns of the table with the overall grade score for the activity as the cell data for each learner row. The Mastery View displays the outcomes being evaluated in the course as the columns of the table with a suggested or manually determined overall level of achievement as the cell data for each learner row.
To view the Grade book Mastery View, click Mastery View on the view switcher at the top of the grade book page.

Figure: Use the View Achievements By switcher in the Grades tool to switch to Mastery View.
The view switcher is enabled when the setup and configuration items have been completed. If those items have not been completed or the tool is not enabled, then the view switcher does not appear.

Note: Mastery View displays inactive users because Mastery View is based on enrollment in a course. Mastery View does not show users based on their active or inactive status. |