At any point in time during a course, an instructor can click on an individual table cell to drill into a view of specific learner details for completed evaluations for that learner on assessments associated with the selected outcome. This page contains two panels – an Evidence panel on the left and an Overall Achievement panel on the right where you can perform manual overrides to the suggested achievement level.
The evidence panel uses many of the same components from the Outcomes Progress view for learners but includes the suggested level of overall achievement in both the trend line and as an evidence tile along with the icon to indicate if this is currently been published to the learner.

Figure: The evidence panel in the Grade book Mastery View
The Overall Achievement panel displays the suggested achievement level and provides a button to allow the instructor to manually override that level. When performing a manual override, an instructor can set the suggested level of achievement to any achievement level on the achievement scale. Instructors can also use the Overall Achievement panel to provide feedback to the learner that can offer context or an explanation for the manual override. If feedback is provided, this is captured and recorded in the Overall Achievement evidence tile.

Figure: The Overall Achievement panel in Grade book Mastery View
After an instructor provides feedback or performs a manual override for a learners overall level of achievement for an outcome, the evaluation is locked and is no longer automatically updated by the calculation if additional evaluations are completed for this outcome. This scenario displays the Refresh icon in the table view for that outcome. When there is a level of achievement override, an asterisk appears next to the level name in the table view, but it is not displayed in the Overall Achievement tile, so it is not visible to learners.

Figure: Detail view of a single cell of the Mastery View highlighting the override asterisk and Refresh icon.
The Refresh icon indicates to an instructor that a manual action is required. There are three possible actions:
- Create or clear a manual override value. If the current level of achievement is automatically calculated, click Manual Override to manually establish a new overall level of achievement based on the achievement scale. If the current level is a previously overridden level, click Clear Manual Override to return to an automatically calculated level.
- Recalculate the overall suggested level of achievement. If the overall level of achievement is a previously manually overridden value, a calculator icon appears. Click the icon to recalculate the overall suggested level of achievement based on the current calculation method.
- Manually update the level to a new override value. Click a new achievement level.
With any of these options, instructors can include text feedback. If the overall level of achievement has been published to the learner, then this feedback is visible to the learner in the Overall Achievement tile. If the overall level has not been published to the learner, it is not visible to the learner.
Note: Entering feedback without changing the level of achievement from the suggested level still locks the overall level of achievement from future automatic updates.
Changes to the Overall Achievement pane must be saved before you exit the page:
- If the manual evaluation has not been published to the learner, you can Publish or Save as Draft.
- If the manual evaluation has been previously published to the learner, you can Update or Retract. Retracting the overall level of achievement hides it from learners until it is published again.