About Rubrics
Use the Rubrics tool to create rubrics easily and efficiently within a course. You can associate rubrics with assessments and grade items; and during assessment, rubrics can standardize the evaluation of learner work and facilitate the ability to provide feedback. Requirements The following are required to use the Rubrics…
Manage Rubrics through the Quicklinks menu
To make rubrics more accessible without navigating directly to Rubrics, you can access Rubrics through the Quicklinks menu of Brightspace Editor. Note: To ensure that you can create quicklinks directly to rubrics and to ensure that learners can see the rubrics, you must have required permissions. Contact your administrator…
Create a rubric using the Rubrics tool
Rubrics allow you to provide efficient, timely, and meaningful grades and feedback to learners. They can be tied to assignments, quizzes, and discussions, and give you the opportunity to provide a framework to learners on activity expectations. Create a Rubric Use the Rubrics tool to create, name, and customize your rubric…
Evaluate assignments using the Rubrics tool
If you use rubrics to assess assignment submissions, the rubric opens in a pop-up window to enable easy grading, and the score transfers automatically to the Evaluation and Feedback sidebar. Note: For more information about how to associate a Rubric with an assignment, refer to the To add Rubrics and associate learning…