In Brightspace, the Portfolio tool provides class settings for learner avatars and evidence approval.

Figure: Click Settings in the Portfolio tool.
Learner avatars
You can turn on a setting that displays Funster avatars instead of learner profile photos. This avatar setting only applies to the instructor view of the learners in the class.
When a learner visits their Brightspace Portfolio, the avatar that appears follows the following rules:
- If the learner has a Brightspace avatar, use it.
- If the learner does not have a Brightspace avatar, but they have been in a course that assigned them a Funster, use the Funster.
- If they learner has neither a Brightspace avatar nor a Funster, use the default profile image.
If learners are in a course that was configured before the January 2018 upgrade, the avatar defaults to the Funster.
Evidence approval
You can choose the methods for adding evidence that require your approval. This ensures that evidence collected with a specified method does not appear in the learner's portfolio until you approve it. These options are more suitable for young learners in a K-12 learning environment. The available options include:
- The Portfolio web tool
- The Portfolio app in Class Device and Family Device modes (enabled be default)
- The Portfolio app in My Device mode
For example, if you are using a shared class device with your learners, you may want to choose the The Portfolio app in 'Class Device' and 'Family Device' modes option.
Define Portfolio class settings
- Navigate to Portfolio.
- From the Portfolio page, click Settings.
- To use Funsters instead of profile photos of learners, click Use friendly Funster avatars instead of profile photos.
- Under Evidence Approval, choose the methods for adding evidence that require your approval.
- Click Save.