About predictive charts
The Brightspace Student Success System learner dashboard includes three predictive charts: * Success Index: Consists of a course timeline chart and a risk quadrant. These charts display by default when you access a learner dashboard. * Social Learning: Provides a visualization of a learner's social network based on their…
Gain personalized insight about individual learners
The learner dashboard contains the data necessary for instructors to gain personalized insight about individual students in order to design specific interventions or instructional plans. This dashboard contains numerous interactive visualizations that enable instructors to gain awareness of their students' course…
Interpreting the Assessments predictive chart
Each slice of the assessments chart corresponds to a grade item or a category of grade items (for example, Projects or Quizzes). The size of each slice corresponds to the overall weight of the grade item or category. If a particular slice corresponds to a category of grade items, its outer edge is broken into as many…
Interpreting the Social Learning predictive chart
The social learning predictive chart represents learners as colored circles. Connecting lines between circles indicate when learners have established a connection, which is a communication between two learners via a post/reply interaction in the Discussions tool. The size of a learner's circle is proportional to the amount…
Interpreting the Success Index predictive charts
The Success Index predictive charts consists of a course timeline chart and a risk quadrant. Chart Description Course Timeline The course timeline chart shows the weekly success index for a learner in the course, providing an at-a-glance view of their academic trends. Each week is color-coded to correspond with the…