The Retake Incorrect Questions Only option allows learners to only retake their incorrectly answered questions from previous quiz attempts. When the learner re-attempts their quiz, the quiz questions answered incorrectly on previous attempts are indicated by an alert symbol. Each quiz attempt displays questions in the same order as the initial attempt (including quizzes with random sections and random questions). Questions that were correct on previous attempts still show the “question stem” but will omit the answers.
You can use Preview Quiz to take the quiz and submit a Preview Attempt. You must select the Allow this preview attempt to be graded in the Grade Quiz area on the submission page of the preview attempt.
Grading considerations
- A learner's score for a Retake Incorrect Questions Only attempt remains at minimum, the score they had on the previous attempt. Correctly answered questions on the Retake Incorrect Questions Only attempt add to the learner's attempts score.
- When grading a Retake Incorrect Questions Only quiz attempt, the instructor can only provide a score for the questions answered on this attempt. The Quiz Overall Score is calculated using the existing Highest/Lowest/First/Last/Average aggregation functions. The Average aggregation function can be used to give the student partial marks for questions that were not answered correctly on the first attempt.
- D2L recommends against using Automatically set as graded option for quizzes with written response questions. If you use Automatic grading, Written Response questions will be marked as 0 and included in future attempts until they are graded manually.
In the Attempt Log, instructors and administrators can identify retaken attempts:

Figure: Retaken attempts are noted after the user's name in the Attempt log.
In addition, on the Users tab, retaken attempts are listed to differentiate from first attempts.

Figure: The Users tab indicating a retaken quiz attempt for the learner.