Welcome to the Higher Education Instructor Knowledge Base
Welcome to the Brightspace Help Documentation Knowledge Base for Higher Education Instructors. In this Knowledge Base, you’ll find information about how to use the many tools Brightspace has to offer. If you are a new user of Brightspace, refer to the headings below to get started. Otherwise, use the navigation pane on the…
Adding an accessible template package to your course files
D2L has designed a template package that course instructors can use to create accessible, HTML content files. The templates use cascading style sheets (CSS) to format the content in the HTML files. To the extent possible under law, D2L has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the available…
About Assignments
You can use the Assignments tool to create and edit assignments, see users’ submission times, view submissions on the Evaluate Submission page, associate assignments to rubrics and competencies, and return submissions with grades and feedback. For assignments that included file submissions, you can download the submissions…
About Attendance
The Attendance tool enables you to create registers that track attendance for activities within your organization or course. You can track attendance for any number of activities and customize your registers to suit your needs. Use the Attendance tool to create sessions to track attendance and define attendance statuses…
About Awards
The Awards tool enables you to provide merit-based awards to learners. There are two types of awards: Badges, and Certificates. Badges Badges are awarded based on any criteria determined by you. They are meant to provide digital markers that represent accomplishment throughout a course or program. Badges do not contribute…
Create a blog
Use the Blog tool to post and respond to questions, engage in discussions, and share opinions and comments with other users. You can create private blog entries, or choose to make public entries for other users to view. The Blog tool has three main areas: * My Blog for creating and maintaining your own blog. * Blog Watch…
Insert and edit images with Brightspace Editor
The Insert Image option is available wherever the Brightspace Editor is present, allowing you to add and edit images as desired. Note: Images respect the settings you define in the Attributes page. Insert images with Brightspace Editor Navigate to anywhere Brightspace Editor is available, like Content or Discussions. In…
About Calendar
Display all upcoming events to learners in one spot. Post events such as project due dates, office hours, in-class events ,and more to the calendar. Requirements The following are required to use the Calendar tool: * To see and use the Calendar tool, you must have the required Calendar permissions applied to your role.…
Create a checklist
A checklist contains important or required assignments, readings, or other items to complete. Each checklist contains one or more categories, into which checklist items are organized. For example, you might have an “Assignments” checklist with categories for written assignments and quizzes, both of which could have…
About Class Progress
The Class Progress tool tracks your learners' overall progress as a course and individually. You may want to use the Class Progress tool to do any of the following: * Monitor progress for any or all users in your course * Prepare progress reports * View user profiles, email users, or instant message users * Track when a…