Welcome to the Higher Education Instructor Knowledge Base
Welcome to the Brightspace Help Documentation Knowledge Base for Higher Education Instructors. In this Knowledge Base, you’ll find information about how to use the many tools Brightspace has to offer. If you are a new user of Brightspace, refer to the headings below to get started. Otherwise, use the navigation pane on the…
Log In to Brightspace
Your experience trying to log in to Brightspace for the first time may differ depending on how your organization has set up and is managing log in credentials. Your organization may have a Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication method implemented, where you can access all the sites in your organization using a single SSO…
Change your personal settings in Brightspace
By clicking on your username, you can make changes to your user profile, notifications, account settings, and log out. Note: Depending on your permissions and what tools are enabled, additional settings may appear. Edit your user profile You can edit your user profile, including updating your profile picture, social…
Brightspace Virtual Assistant
As of the September 2024/20.24.9 release, Brightspace Virtual Assistant has been renamed to Lumi Chat and is available with the End User Support Lite package. The functionality and documentation of the product remain the same, but the location of the documentation has changed. To access information about Lumi Chat, refer…
About Lumi Chat
Lumi Chat is an AI-based help tool that is integrated directly into Brightspace as a pop-up window from the speech bubble button in the bottom right corner of the screen. It provides immediate access to help documentation in the same window as your Brightspace session. After typing in a question, the tool provides the most…
Create accessible content in Brightspace
Create and insert a Video Note in Brightspace Editor You can use Video Note in a number of places throughout Brightspace, including: Content, Discussions, Activity Feed, and even when grading and providing feedback to learners. Note: The ability to add video notes is controlled by a permission set by your administrator. If…
Adding an accessible template package to your course files
D2L has designed a template package that course instructors can use to create accessible, HTML content files. The templates use cascading style sheets (CSS) to format the content in the HTML files. To the extent possible under law, D2L has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the available…
Meeting web content accessibility standards
Most of the tips provided are web content standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium. For more information, review their Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. * When possible, use HTML topics to create your course content. D2L provides accessible HTML templates to streamline the content creation process. If you need to…
About Announcements
Help boost engagement by scheduling announcements for frequent and regular communication to all learners enrolled in a course. Learners can set notification preferences to be made aware of important updates. Requirements The following are required to use the Announcements tool: * To see and use the Announcements tool, you…
Create a welcome message using the Announcements widget
The Announcements widget can help you to boost engagement by scheduling announcements for frequent and regular communication to all learners enrolled in a course. Learners can set notification preferences to be made aware of important updates. Note: For more information about the Announcements tool refer to About…