Release conditions allow you to associate an assignment with other items in Brightspace. For example, you can require that users meet some criteria, such as reading a set of lecture notes in Content, before they can submit their work to an assignment. You can also make submission to the assignment a criterion for accessing another item, such as a quiz.
To set release conditions for an assignment
- Navigate to Assignments.
- On the Assignments page, from the Actions menu of the assignment you want to set release conditions for, click Edit Assignment.
Figure: The Actions menu for an assignment showing the Edit Assignment option.
- Click and expand the Availability Dates & Conditions accordion.
Figure: The Availability Dates & Conditions accordion not expanded.
- From the Add Release Condition drop-down menu, do one of the following:
- Click Create New. Select the Condition Type, select the Condition Details, and click Create.
- Click Add Existing. From the View Conditions for drop-down list, select the tool in which you want to view existing release conditions, select the release condition you want to attach, and click Attach.
Figure: The Add Release Condition drop-down menu.
- Toggle the Visibility ON or OFF.
- Click Save and Close.
Figure: The Save and Close option and the Visibility toggle.
Your new release condition is set for your assignment.
Add special access to an assignment
Special access permissions allow you to set different availability dates and times for specific users. For example, you could extend the deadline for users who require remedial help or who are submitting work beyond the original scope of the assignment. You can also add special access after an assignment’s end date has passed for users who have a legitimate excuse for missing the deadline or for users you want to submit additional material, such as planning notes or a bibliography. The special access icon displays on the Assignment list page beside any assignment that includes special access settings.
To add special access to an assignment
- Navigate to Assignments.
- On the Assignments page, from the Actions menu of the assignment you want to set release conditions for, click Edit Assignment.
Figure: The Actions menu for an assignment showing the Edit Assignment option.
- Expand the Availability Dates & Conditions accordion.
Figure: The Availability Dates & Conditions accordion not expanded.
- Click Manage Special Access.
Figure: The Manage Special Access option.
- In the Manage Special Access dialog, select one of the following options:
- Allow users with special access to submit outside the normal availability dates for this folder
- Allow only users with special access to see this folder
- Click Add Users to Special Access.
Figure: The Manage Special Access dialog.
- To give learners that have special access a different assignment due date, select the Has Due Date check box and set the due date for the assignment.
- Under Availability, select the Has Start Date and Has End Date check boxes and set the date availability for when you want users to have special access to the assignment.
- In the Users area, select the users you want to give special access to.
Figure: The Properties and Users sections in the Special Access dialog.
- Click Save in the dialog. The special access icon, the number of users with special access, and the condition appear under Special Access.
- Toggle the Visibility ON or OFF.
- Click Save and Close.
Figure: The Save and Close option and the Visibility toggle.
You set special access for your assignment.
Add special access dates to an assignment from the Submissions page
You can change the due date and availability for a submitted assignment to give a student more time to complete their assessment.
To add special access dates to an assignment from the Submissions page
- Navigate to Assignments.
- On the Assignments page, under the name of the student you want to set special access for, click an assignment to evaluate.
- On the right evaluation pane, click the Evaluation Options (...) drop-down menu.
- Click Special Access Dates.
Figure: The Evaluation Options drop-down menu showing the Special Access Dates option.
- Set the Due Date and Availability.
- Click Save.
Figure: The Special Access dialog for an assignment submission.
- Click Back to Submissions.
Special Access Dates inherit date properties as follows:
- When the parent assignment has an availability date set, its Date property is inherited by the corresponding special access date. For example, if the assignment is hidden before a start date, then the special access start date is also treated as hidden.
- When the parent assignment does not have an availability date, the special access date inherits its Date property from the course default. For example, if the assignment does not have an end date, then a special access end date is set for a learner. This also occurs if the course default for assignment end dates is submission-restricted, making the special access end date be treated as submission-restricted.
Video: Create an Assignment using the Classic Content experience
Video: Create an assignment using the New Content experience