You can assess a discussion topic response to determine if it meets learning objectives.
Note: To have assessment options available and assess a discussion topic responses you must associate your discussion topic with a learning objective or rubric. The name of learning objectives and some associated menu items and links depend on the language term defined by your organization. Based on that setting, Objectives might be labeled Competencies, Expectations, Standards, or Learning Outcomes. Refer to Assessing discussion threads for more information.
Refer to Create a rubric using the Rubrics tool for more information about creating a rubric.
Refer to Create and delete grade categories and items to learn more about creating grade items.
To assess a discussion topic response
- From your course navbar, navigate to Discussions.
- Click the Actions icon next to a discussion topic response, and select Assess Topic.
Figure: Select Assess Topic.
- Click the Assessments tab.
- Click on a user's name to open their discussion topic response.
- Under the Standards area, select the appropriate level of achievement for the learner for each standard.
Note: If the rubric used to evaluate the discussion topic is points-based or custom-points based and the achievement scale has percentage levels defined, or if the achievement scale levels have been manually mapped to the rubric evaluation levels, then suggested levels of achievement will be displayed for each of the indirectly aligned outcomes which is attached to the rubric. The directly aligned outcomes will not have an achievement suggestion.
Figure: The Standards page showing the achievements met by a user.
- Click Publish to complete the assessment and make it available to your student.