Activities allow you to assess students' content comprehension via activities like quizzes, assignments, surveys, and more. There are several types of activities each with different methods for assessing students:
- Quiz activity: Assessed by a student’s quiz score, the score of specific quiz questions, or a rubric.
- Survey activity: Assessed by a rubric. You cannot associate anonymous survey activities with learning objectives.
- Assignments activity: Assessed by a rubric.
- Discussion activity: Assessed by a rubric.
- Grade Item activity: Assessed by a numeric score or a rubric.
- Content activity: You can associate modules and topics in the Content tool with learning objectives, but you cannot assess them with a numeric score or rubric.
- Manual Assessment activity: Are not created with Brightspace course tools. They can be activities such as a live presentation, a musical recital, community service hours, and extracurricular activities. Manual Assessment activities are assessed by a rubric.