You can quickly create new assignments from existing assignments using the Copy Assignment option. This feature copies all settings of an existing assignment except the associated grade item and Turnitin settings.
To copy an existing assignment
- Navigate to Assignments.
- Click the check box to select an assignment, and then click More Actions > Copy Assignment. Or click the drop-down menu beside the assignment you want to copy and select Copy Assignment.

Figure: The Copy Assignment option.
- The copied assignment opens in edit mode. You can change the following settings of the copied assignment:
- Update assignment Name.

Figure: The Name field. - Change the points in the Grade Out Of option.

Figure: The Grade Out Of option. - Click the drop-down menu to change the other Grade settings.

Figure: The Grade settings. - If you select the Edit or Link to Existing option, you can choose whether to create and link to a new grade item, or link to an existing grade item.

Figure: The Edit or Link to Existing menu.- Create and link to a new grade item: Change the Choose Grade Category and Change Type & Scheme settings.
- Click the drop-down button to select a Grade Category.

Figure: The Grade Category option. - Choose a Grade Type and click the drop-down button to select a Grade Scheme.

Figure: The Grade Type and Grade Scheme options.
- Link to an existing grade item: Click the drop-down button to choose an existing grade item.

Figure: The grade items drop-down button.
- Not in Grade Book: Choose to not place the copied assignment in the Grade Book.
- Reset to Ungraded: The points in the Grade Out Of field are removed and replaced with the tag “Ungraded.”
- Select a Due Date for the assignment.
- Update the Instructions.
Note: You can also use the other options for the copied assignment or change the other settings in the right panel.
- After reviewing all the details, click Save and Close to go back to the Assignments page.
The existing assignment is copied and added as a new assignment to your course.